February 22, 2025 21:49 PM

Wolverine 3 Will Now Be Called "Logan", Director Debuts Film's Poster And Confirms Release Date

The next Wolverine movie, the third one counting from "X-Men: Origins", will be called "Logan" and sets March 3, 2017 as its official playdate. James Mangold, the film's director, debuted the simple, yet striking poster on his twitter account with a caption "3-3-17".

The development of the new Wolverine movie has been pretty low-key with only a handful of information passed on. Aside from a post-credit scene in this year's "X-Men: Apocaypse" in which Essex Corp. stole Wolverine's DNA, it was also confirmed that Mr. Sinister will be the main villain, and that the Patrick Stewart version of Professor X will be in the movie. It will also be set in the future and it's going to be R Rated, thereby foreshadowing the idea of a Marvel film going the dark, gritty road which the DC Universe has been on lately.

"Deadpool" was the first Marvel movie, in partnership with Fox and not Disney as these are two different things, to go down the adults-only road due to its over-the-top violence and profanity. Though, "Logan" will be having the same audience rating, it won't be playing the same adult-humor and profanity-filled style "Deadpool" had successfully taken. The rating would probably be due to its violence or theme, which should give the film its' much deserved dark retelling.

James Mangold, who also directed the previous Wolverine movie, gave a preview on how the character will be in its third outing when he posted a picture of the screenplay with a line that reads "As for our hero, well, he's older now and it's clear his abilities aren't what they once were. He's fading on the inside and his diminished healing factor keeps in him in a constant state of chronic pain-hence booze as a painkiller." Signalling a new era of darker Marvel films, competing straight against the already gloomy DC movies.

Logan, Hugh Jackman, Marvel, Fox, X-Men, DC
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