March 29, 2025 14:03 PM

Angelina Jolie Allegedly Being Consoled by Johhny Depp After Brangelina Split

Angelina Jolie is allegedly being comforted by actor Johnny Depp while preparing for her divorce with Brad Pitt, NZHERALD reported on Monday.

Preparing for her $510 million worth divorce battle with Brad Pitt, reports said that Johnny Depp has been helping Angelina Jolie and referred her to his lawyer Laura Wasser who backed him up on his divorce with ex-wife Amber Heard.

Report from stated that one of the sources close to Angelina admitted the actress has been idolizing Johnny Depp even before they both starred in the movie "The Tourist" in 2010.

"There were rumours then that she was tempted by him, because it was around then she told a magazine fidelity wasn't 'absolutely essential.', as told by the report.

"With both Brad and Johnny's then wife Vanessa Paradis on set, nothing was going to happen."

The source also mentioned that since then, the two have been keeping in touch with each other and spoke regularly when Johnny Depp had his divorce with his wife.

Though the source has admitted that the two have been close after their movie in 2010 and the way they showed it during the Brangelina divorce, they said that there is no suggestion that their closeness had something to do with the couple's breakup.

Angelina's friends are now speculating on what could happen between her and Johnny Depp if they reconciled and the divorce goes through.

Jon Voight, Angelina's father stated that his daughter has been doing fine. He also said that he's concerned on the family as a whole, especially the kids who may be the ones being more affected by their parents' breakup.

The actress' decision to file a divorce with Brad Pitt this week ended up being the Hollywood's biggest relationship news of its generation that made the world relaize that forever may not really exist.

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