March 28, 2025 22:33 PM

"We will not walk away from our partners in the world"-Theresa May to UN

United Kingdom did not "vote to turn inwards," United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May told the United Nations as it backed Brexit, according to BBC.

Mrs. May said in her statement that they must never forget that they stand in the United Nations as servants of men and women that they represent back in UK.

​In line with this, the Prime Minister announced to the public that United Kingdom will help combat the al- Shabaabjihadists in Somalia and hundreds of their British troops will be sent and added that Britain played a leading role in this matter.

​Mrs. May also mentioned that a new United Kingdom headquarters is bound to set up in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. 30 training teams, involving 70 troops at a time will be sent to help combat the al- Shabaab jihadists.

The government also planned about providing a £7 million fund which will be used solely to improve the skills of the Somali and African Union mission in Amisom forces.

​She also said that globalization has affected them. She stated, "And as we do so we must recognize that for too many of those men and women the increasing pace of globalization has left them feeling behind."

​The Prime Minister also mentioned that global institutions such as the United Nations must remain responsive to the people that they serve and show that they are capable of adapting to the demands of the 21st Century.

​She said that as an international community, it is very vigorous that they continue supporting countries in the region for contributing thousands of troops, and continue building and improving the capacity of the Somali security forces.

​"Since 2010, with huge support from across the region, and critically the commitment of Somalis themselves, al-Shabaab has been driven from all the major cities it used to control," Mrs. May added.

Uk, UN, United nations, Trending news, News
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