March 10, 2025 15:08 PM

Zika Travel Advisory in Florida to be Lifted by CDC; Miami-Dade Protesters Disagree with Preventive Measures

Zika virus has been feared since its first known case and dreaded by many when the virus started spreading from country to country and with number of confirmed cases increasing. Carried by the same mosquitoes responsible for dengue, Zika virus is more dangerous for it is known to causing birth defects like microcephaly when a pregnant woman is infected, resulting to having a child with head and brain smaller than normal.

This is the main reason why CDC urged pregnant women to avoid traveling to Wynwood. This is the first time the public health agency has warned people to avoid an American neighborhood due to an infectious outbreak, according to CBS News.

In line with this, federal and state health officials has taken actions on controlling or even eradicating the virus by blood testing on Wynwood residents, educating people on how to prevent mosquitoes from increasing their population, and encouraging pregnant women to have themselves tested to assure they re not affected by the virus.

On the other hand, it seemed like the people of Miami-Dade County has had enough of the way the city council took action regarding the prevention of Zika virus from spreading. Protesters demand the city council to stop the spraying of the insecticide naled and suggest to consider using alternatives instead.

The Miami-Dade acounty began spraying the insecticide last week after CDC recommended using it to help kill adult mosquitoes especially ones that carry the virus and stop them from reproducing.

But it seemed like not everyone is on their side because other residents state that spraying of the pesticide naled could mean risking their own health, if not getting infected by Zika Virus. This is supported by studies that shows large doses of such pesticide may harm the health of human beings, in a report by NBC.

Aside from being cautious about the effects of the pesticide to their health, protesters also questioned whether the virus may really cause birth defects on new born children thus, demanding a stop to pesticide spraying on Sunday.

According to CDC medical etmologist Janet McAllister, it is true that pesticide naled may affect human health. But with proper dosage and if used correctly, it won't cause any harm to other living things and human and still prevent Zika virus carrying mosquitoes from spreading and infecting people.

Travel, Travel news, Zika Virus, Us news
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