February 22, 2025 18:05 PM

Donald Trump For President: Top 5 States That Solidly Support Trump

When Donald Trump first announced his plan to run for American president, many thought it was a good joke. Now that he seems to be leading the race, Trump is the one who's laughing.

The GOP frontrunner is the strongest presidential candidate among registered Republican voters, and regardless of the age group, gender, ethnicity and education.

Travelers Today researched on top five states that support Trump's race according to policy polls held last year.

The top 5 states are the following:

1) New Hampshire

2) New York

3) South Carolina

4) North Carolina

5) West Virginia

According to a Public Policy Polling poll last August 15, 2015, Donald Trump dominated in two cities. These are New Hampshire and New York, where both states gave Trump more than 35 percent of the votes if the election were to happen that day. He has maintained that range of votes ever since.

According to December 2015 data provided to "New York Time" "UpShot" by Civis Analytics, a Democratic data firm, best states of Trump are West Virginia and New York, followed by North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisana, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Even though he is leading, well-known people are openly opposing his win. Lately, physicist Stephen Hawking is shocked by Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV's "Good Morning Britain" that he is baffled of the GOP frontrunner's success. The physicist brands Trump as a "demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator."

Stephen King signed a petition against Trump. John Legend twitted Trump as racist. Sarah Silverman called Trump as Drumpf on Twitter. Jack Black said he would choose rapper Kanye West over Trump. Susan Sarandon said Trunk is a "drunk uncle at a wedding". Chelsea Handler twitted a naked picture of her with caption on her body, "Trump is a butt hole". John Oliver made clear in a 20-minute "Last Week Tonight" segment his disapproval of Trump.

Donald trump, President, United States
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