March 15, 2025 07:08 AM

How To Lose Weight Without Exercise In Just 5 Ways

Weight loss seem difficult to you? Then you need to check out the 5 cool ways of losing it without exercise.

1. Lower Those Calorized Favorite Food Stuffs

Low Fat Food - reduce the calories by consuming low fat butter, cheese, milk, chocolates and syrups. All your favorite food items contain these products. It's obvious you cannot stop eating them but you can cut down the calories.

Low Calorie Drinks - Switch to diet soda or light beer or may be add a spritz of seltzer to your wine instead of high-calorie favorites.

Fiber Rich Food - Add a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough, or toss a handful of red bell peppers on the pie, it makes you feel full as well as help in digestion.

2. Add! Never Subtract

To those who cannot resist eating yet want to lose weight then you don't need to subtract anything from your diet. You just have to add food stuffs like deep red cherries, grapes, apples etc. Add some like cereals, carrots and some more tasty healthy items either in the form of soup or salad. These items will increase keep you full as well as healthy. The antioxidants present in some vegetables and fruits will keep you well. The process of egestion will be smooth making you feel light.

3. Water Helps! Really?

Drinking water before your meal is good. It will help not to pounce on the table to eat everything that's available.

"Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps me watch what I eat. ... I don't just hog everything, since I'm not so hungry." says David Anthony, an information technology consultant from AtlantaMagee, who also writes the "Healthy Recipe Doctor" blog for WebMD. Finally, keeping your body refreshed with plenty of water may also help your workout, says Anthony. Staying hydrated means "I can exercise more, and longer, than if I don't drink water."

4. Share Your Meals

"When we go out, I often share a meal with my wife," Anthony tells WebMD. "We've been known to split a dessert, even a pint of beer. That way, we don't feel stuffed, and we save some money."

Sounds cool! Share your meal while you're at canteen or travelling or restaurant to cut down the high calorized food.

5. Dance To Burn Those Calories!

It doesn't matter exactly what you do, so long as you're up and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes, says The American Heart Association.

You can just hop around while your favorite music plays on the TV. Dance 10 to 15 minutes to your favorite playlist to burn the calories. Entertaining as well as weigh loss in your own free space.

Weight loss, Tips, Top 5 Tips
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