March 31, 2025 18:28 PM

'The Outlander' Recap: Caitriona Balfe Talks About Heartbreaking "Faith" Episode

"The Outlander" Season 2 Episode 7 titled "Faith" could be one of the most difficult episode as Claire (Caitriona Balfe) lost her baby without her husband Jamie (Sam Heughan) by her side since he was imprisoned after dueling with Black Jack Randall (Tobias Menzies).

Although Mother Hildegarde and the volunteers at L’Hôpital des Anges did their best to save Claire's baby, who was baptized by Hildegarde and named as "Faith," the baby did not survive, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The heartbreaking episode shows the anguish of Claire both emotionally and physically as a placenta-triggered bacteria coursed through her feverish body. Claire was crying, screaming and was also angry at her husband who broke his promise not to fight with Black Jack until the baby is born.

The scenes may be difficult to watch but "The Outlander" cast and crew managed to show the tragedy with respect especially that some mothers experience still birth in real life.

"When I got the script that Toni Graphia wrote, it was just so beautiful, and she filled it with so much care," Balfe said in a phone interview with Refinery29. "I remember crying when I read the script for the first time and thinking, Ah, this is so heartbreaking."

Balfe prepared for the scenes by reading books on grief like "The Year of Magical Thinking and Blue Nights" by Joan Didion and she also tried to think about some heartbreaking stories from her loved ones and friends.

Hospital scenes of the episode were shot at the Glasgow Cathedral for a week which Balfe describes as a "draining and tough" process.

"I definitely felt that I wanted to show the toll that it takes on Claire and on the marriage," script writer Toni Graphia said. "A lot of couples who lose a child like that break up, because they are not able to process it and they can’t comfort each other because they’re both in so much pain. This marriage is unbreakable. We didn’t want it to be simple. We wanted to show the cost of it and how they fight to come back together."

"Faith" ended showing the couple saying goodbye to their daughter at their grave after Claire held her baby for a long time. Apparently, the miscarriage will have a huge impact to the couple and the grieving of Claire might still be reflected in upcoming episodes.

Caitriona balfe
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