March 8, 2025 19:52 PM

10 Disgusting Insects We Might Be Eating In The Future

Long before humans raise their meat, our grandparents depend on insects for food. With the impending shortage of conventional meat in the future, it is wise to consider which insect one might possibly consume.


According to those who have consumed ants, they taste sweet and sour. In Colombia, they are salted and roasted. In their culture, they believe ants boost libido.


Aphids taste either sweet or bitter depending on their diet. They are great additive to a meal, as they don't really make a strong impact on the dish's flavor. Aphids pack nutritional value in every bite.


In Mexican and Thai markets, crickets are sold either dried or fried. They taste like dry crispy shrimp when fried.


There is an abundance of earthworms in this earth. Earthworms must be purged before it is eaten. Then, they are dried. They can be added to stew and stir-fry.


These insects can be eaten fresh or roasted. First timers are recommended to eat the roasted ones to appreciate its nutty flavor.


In Uganda, grasshoppers are included in the local food fare. They can be oven toasted or pan-fried. Fried grasshoppers are sold in packs in Thailand and Cambodia.


Even though depicted in movies as a yucky substance, maggots are edible. They are extremely nutritious and tasty. Maggots that feed on meat have a stronger flavor. In the past, processed maggots are spread on toasted bread for breakfast.


Slugs are meaty. Cooking them thoroughly is recommended to avoid contracting diseases. There is a need to clean them before putting them on a stew.


Escargot is a well-known way to serve snails. If possible, buy cultured snails as these are fed organic vegetation.

Sow bugs

They can be served toasted and consumed crispy like peanuts. They are nutritious.

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