March 29, 2025 13:04 PM

Town For Sale: Australia Town Up For Grabs For Anyone To Buy!

In Queensland, Australia, you can buy an entire 16-home town for $750,000. The town is Allies Creek, which is located five hours from Brisbane and has many features that will make you want the town.

“It’s totally up to whoever buys it what they do with it, the possibilities are really endless,” Sutton Nationwide Realty agent Julie Sutton said, according to Domain.

Allies Creek was formerly a large saw mill which can be evident by the three mill buildings that are still standing. There are also open air sheds throughout the area. Apart from the mill facilities, there are 16 homes in the town wherein about half of it are occupied by tenants.

The town also has running water, a little power plant, a Telstra depot, street lights, paved roads, and an old school hall that is perfect for gatherings. But you will even be more impressed that the town has its own dam on the site which can actually be a perfect spot to catch seafood, Atlas Obscura wrote.

The sawmills in the area is decommissioned but it can be reopened especially that the property also comes with all the commercial equipment to operate like a 25-ton excavator, a big mulcher, and a crane.

The town was owned by a couple who bought it back in 2008. They first listed the property on September 2015 with an asking price of $2.1 million. When the husband died, the price was dropped to $1.5 million but since it isn't sold until now, the price was lowered to $750,000.

Said town could be used as corporate retreat, a caravan park with its 40 acres of land. The current tenants could also be a great source of revenue. Plus you can eat fresh fish and crayfish anytime you want since they are available in the dam.
Many people have shown interest in the town and Domain is looking forward to sell the property soon.

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