February 22, 2025 18:32 PM

The Effects Of Travelling To The Environment Travellers Never Knew About

Travelling can have many benefits to the travellers that they never even knew about. At times, travellers may feel anxious about travelling all the time, especially in unknown countries that may seem intimidating to them. Travellers may just wish to settle for their comfort zones of travelling to places they are comfortable with, or they know a lot of things of.

1. Sometimes, travelling causes pollution in the environment when travellers travel by car.

Travelling can be a big source of pollution if travellers are travelling by vehicle. This is especially the case when travellers are travelling cross country or to another country by vehicle.

A woman narrated that she and her husband have always rented a car for the last 20 years whenever they travel to Mexico, as reported in Los Angeles Times. Travelling by vehicle constantly on a long haul trip like this can be the main source of pollution on the road. Vehicles emit different sources of pollution to just about everywhere whenever one is on the road. Hence, there are many people who get sick whenever they inhale smoke from vehicles on the road.

2. Airplanes emit carbon dioxide into the air.

Whenever jet fuel is burned in its entirety, the carbon contained in the fuel is distributed all over the skies together with the bonds in the oxygen within the air to create carbon dioxide, as reported in David Suzuki. Research also shows that the burning jet fuel distributes water vapor, nitrous oxides, sulphate and soot.

3. Contrails also pollute the air from airplanes.

Contrails are the long plumes of exhaust particles which can be seen in the skies behind the airplanes. These plumes form an extensive of air particles that distribute all over the skies to have the capability to pollute wherever the pollutants would fall.

It is greatly advisable for travellers to consider these facts when they travel. By doing so they would do the environment a great favor by doing their parts of caring for them.

Travelling, Environment, Travellers, News
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