February 23, 2025 13:08 PM

Anderson Cooper and Other Gay Men Women Love

Here are five gay men that bring the hotness to Hollywood. Gay or straight, there’s no denying their sex appeal. Sorry ladies, you can look, but you can’t touch. In no particular order, here are the hunky, A-Listers that drive the men (and women) crazy.

1) Anderson Cooper
He didn’t really make waves so much as ripples when he publically came out in a letter on Monday morning, but as a journalist and host of the CNN program AC360, Anderson Cooper has broken much bigger stories to the public than the details of his sexual preference. He chose to announce his homosexuality publically, though those close to him have known for years, not because he thought it defined him, but because he wanted others who were struggling with their sense of identity to have another person to turn to for inspiration. Aside from his calm, eloquent coming-out, men and women may be equally inspired by his warm eyes, trim physique, and intelligence.

2) Neil Patrick Harris
He stole our hearts as the underage medical genius, Doogie Howser, in the 80s. Since then, time has only made his audience grow fonder, his acting abilities better and his body…way hotter. David Burtka landed himself one sweet piece of man candy when he partnered with NPH and started a family. Then again, David isn’t hard on the eyes, either. They’re a gorgeous couple and adorably hands-on dads, cementing their status as legen….wait for it….dary in Hollywood.

3) Sir Ian McKellen
Like wine, actor Ian McKellen gets better with age. His career continues to heat up with roles as Magneto in X-Men and Gandolf in Lord of the Rings, and his distinguished looks are attractive to both genders on both sides of the pond. The Englishman was knighted in 1991 for his service to the performing arts, and we know plenty of people who would be thrilled to be his damsel (or gentleman) in distress. He’s had two notably serious relationships, with Brian Taylor (1964-1972) and with Sean Mathias (1978-1988), but he did not publically acknowledge his homosexuality until 1988 on a BBC radio program. He recalls his anti-climactic coming out to his stepmother Gladys, saying, "Not only was she not fazed, but …I think she was just glad for my sake that I wasn't lying anymore.” He has been a strong advocate for LGBT rights, founding the Stonewall lobbyist group in the United Kingdom

4) Matt Bomer
His IMDB profile lists his "Clear blue, piercing, beautiful eyes" as his trademark. Then again, the abs and the hair don’t hurt, either. For a long time, Bomer – who’s had roles in films like Flight Plan and television shows like White Collar and Chuck—refused to comment about his sexuality at all. In fact, when asked about his orientation in an interview for the January 2010 issue of Details magazine, Bomer said, "I don't care about that at all. I'm completely happy and fulfilled in my personal life." He would not elaborate further, and it wasn’t until February 11 of this year that he publically acknowledged his long-time, committed relationship with Simon Hall, a Hollywood publicist. They have 3 children – Kit, and twins Walker and Henry

5) Don Lemon
The second journalist to make this list, Don Lemon is an anchor on CNN Newsroom. He chose to come out in his 2011 memoir, Transparent. He also acknowledged some traumatic instances in his past. We’re glad he’s come to terms with his experiences. Nothing is sexier than confidence, though his eyes, and smile, and skin, and glasses (which he wears occasionally), are a very close second.

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