March 28, 2025 20:48 PM

Police Dog Finds Couple's Life Savings In The Most Unexpected Place

An old Viennese couple got worried when they could not find their life's savings. Who wouldn't panic? The couple got desperate. They thought they have lost their savings. They were frustrated and desperate. They thought somebody stole their savings.

The couple searched frantically for their several thousand euros, turning their apartment upside down in hopes that they would find what they were looking for. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful.

And so they called the help of the authorities. Lo and behold, came Evita de La Basse Autriche, a police dog specialised in sniffing out money.

Belgian Shepherd Evita, doing what she does best, searched for the money and came up with the box 'within minutes.' She has found the cash kept safely inside a box in a kitchen cupboard.

'All police dogs all have the same basic training to detect different things,' police spokesman Paul Eidenberger told AFP.

'Then they can be specialised, for example, for explosives, blood traces -- and also documents and money.'

The couple, according to The Local, lived in in Floridsdorf. They said they were about to take the money to the bank when they realised they have 'lost' it.

The Belgian Shepherd dog or the Belgian Malinois is one of the more well-balanced, square dogs. Like its German counterpart, it has an elegant appearance with an exceedingly proud carriage of the head and neck. Balgian Malinois is a strong, agile, and well-muscled dog. They are alert and full of life. A Malinois can stand squarely on all fours and viewed from the side, the topline, forelegs, and hind legs closely approximate a square. According to American Kennel Club, 'The whole conformation gives the impression of depth and solidity without bulkiness. The male is usually somewhat more impressive and grand than his female counterpart, which has a distinctly feminine look.' They were officially recognized by the AKC in 1959.

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