March 4, 2025 06:12 AM

Flight Attendant Loses It After 5-Hour Plane Delay [VIDEO]

A pilot is facing criticism after getting heated on board a American Eagle flight that was delayed for five hours. The flight attendant resorted to screaming and speaking inappropriately to passengers.

American Eagle flight 4607, bound for Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina was delayed for five hours at New York's LaGuardia Airport due to poor weather conditions. After the long delay and inconvenience, the passengers and flight attendant Jose Serrano just lost it.

Jose Serrano was caught on camera yelling and saying inappropriate things to passengers. He reportedly dared passengers to leave the plane if they "had the balls to do it," MyFoxNY reported.

Witnesses on board told ABC that Serrano said "If anyone has the balls to want to get off, I'll let you get off! Get off! I don't care anymore. This is probably my last flight."

He also took to the plane's PA system to tell frustrated passenger "I don't want to hear anything," ABC News quoted.

Passengers and crew had become overly annoyed after the plane faced many delays. It was originally scheduled to leave at 1:25 p.m., but due to rain delays, passengers were not allowed to board the plane until 4 p.m. After boarding, passengers had to wait another 40 minutes as the plane was stuck behind other air traffic. The plane then returned to the gate to be refueled. Passengers had to leave the plane and reboard around 6 p.m. when it was once again delayed and held on the tarmac, according to ABC.

Passengers had enough and started to complain to the crew, causing Serrano to have an outburst. Tensions got so high that police were called to the plane. Serrano and several passengers were removed from the plane for questioning, but no arrests were made.

The flight was eventually cancelled.

According to MyFoxNY, the airline issued a statement saying: "[W]e do not believe that the passengers frustrations were always met with the level of service that we expect from our people, and for that we are truly sorry," the airline said in a statement. "We do have emails ... that says that the flight attendants had been dealing with an extremely difficult situation."

This is not the first case of an airline crew member acting out. In March, a JetBlue pilot was detained after he lost it and ran around the plane screaming about bombs, Jesus, and terrorism.

Last year, a JetBlue flight attendant got frustrated, cursed out passengers, grabbed some beers, and left the plane through the emergency chute.

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