March 15, 2025 09:46 AM

Top 5 Awkward Moments In Beauty Pageants

In beauty pageants, possessing all these traits -- physical beauty, confidence and intelligence -- might lead to too much boldness, and the participant will end up losing her composure. This can prove disastrous even more because beauty pageants tend to attract a lot of audience of all ages, gender preference and income stature. This is but a few of the many awkward moments that can happen in contests of beauty and brains. Here are some of the many ways that beauty competitions end up from glamourous to disastrous.

Falling on Stage

Perhaps the easiest to recover from but still shameful nonetheless, falling on stage can be seen in beauty pageants due to the stage being slippery, defective footwear, not being careful enough and many other reasons. In 2011 Miss Asia North America, a contestant named Jennifer slipped on-stage after her Question and Answer portion.

Wardrobe Malfunction

This usually happens during the fabulous Gown Competition and the sexy Swimsuit Competition. In Miss Venezuela 2013, Miss Guarico accidentally removed her bikini bottom along with her swimsuit shawl where her private parts were briefly shown. She had to exit the stage temporarily to fix herself.

Weird Talent Showcase

A lot of surprises can happen during the talent portion that means the talent is either glorious or weird. After all, not everyone has the stomach to appreciate other people's talent. In an Irish beauty pageant last 2011, a participant named Siobheal Nic Eochaidh danced to the music of 'Party Rock Anthem' by LMFAO. Some found it alright, some found it empty of skill and some believed that the contestant was never prepared at all.

When Panic Strikes

The Question and Answer portion gauges the contestant's ability to answer a question under a limited time, and this can either make or break the lady's chance for the crown. Which is why there's a high chance that the participant will lose composure. In Miss Teen USA 2007, Miss South Carolina appeared to have lost herself as well when asked about people not being able to read a map.

Announcing the Wrong Winner

Being crowned the ultimate winner is a very glorious moment, and it would be heartbreakingly awkward if that moment is taken away from anyone. In the recently concluded Miss Universe 2015, the host Steve Harvey made a mistake by announcing Miss Columbia as the winner and later walked back on stage to apologize and crowned Miss Philippines to be the true winner.

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