March 9, 2025 06:57 AM

What You Should Keep In Your Travel Bag

Whether you travel a lot for work or you pack your bags every weekend for a quick trip, packing can be quite a chore. To minimize the hassle of packing, having a pre-flight routine is a must. Below are travel essentials that you should have to go all the time to keep you healthy, balanced and beautiful wherever you're headed.

1. A healthy snack. Wherever you're headed near or far, it's important to keep a healthy snack in handy. Long plane rides can also slow down your digestive system, so keeping an apple or a pear is a great way to load up with fiber to avoid constipation. Keeping your own healthy snack is also a way to avoid high-calorie options offered in airlines.

2. Hydrating moisturizer. Changing temperatures and air circulations can leave your skin dry, dull and rough. Make sure to bring your skincare regimen while traveling and look refreshed wherever you are in the world.

3. Hand cream. Dry, cracked hands are more vulnerable to infection-causing germs, so lather hand cream whenever you can. As an extra precaution, you can also bring cotton gloves.

4. Ear plugs. This is for those who ride planes all the time. The high noise level is not just annoying but can cause temporary ear problems, too. The ear plugs can help you relax, sleep and protect your ears.

5. Saline nasal drops. Your nasal passages are easily dried out by dry winter air and airplane cabins that make it more prone to bacterial infection. To avoid this, pack a drug-free saline spray or nasal drops in your carry-on.

6. Bottled water/water bottle. Dehydration robs you of energy and weakens your ability to fight infection, so make sure you're hydrated in your next trip. Since you can't bring water inside the airport, just bring a bottle and get water from fountains so that you can easily access it even on board. Also, to avoid dehydration, stay away from alcohol and limit your caffeine intake while traveling.

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