March 28, 2025 20:08 PM

Global Warming Affects, Threatens Earth’s Jewels

Many places and a number of civilisation have been affected by the global warming. It may spell the 'final ruin of some of the most precious jewels of nature and civilisation'. Some of the sites that are at risk include the following:

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reed is a well-known home to thousands of species of species and other creatures. However, the warming climate can be a threat to this spectacular place. This dazzling 2,300-kilometre (1,400-mile) coral reef system off the coast of northeastern Australia is one of the places that is 'highly sensitive' to the climate changes. This change in the climate is bringing with it a warmer planet and the following: rising seas, warming waters, storms, and greater ocean acidity.

These factors can cause the acceleration of reef decay. 'If conditions continue to worsen, the Great Barrier Reef is set to suffer from widespread coral bleaching and subsequent mortality, the most common effect of rising sea temperatures,' said Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, director of the University of Queensland's Global Change Institute.


As of present, UNESCO reveals that the historic city of Venice is 'already sinking at a rate of 10 centimetres (four inches) a century as its lagoon expands and sediment settles.

According to the UN cultural and scientific body, during the 20th century, the place lost an extra 10-13 centimetres due to industry using water from the lagoon.

As of present, a greater threat is being foreseen and studied: global warming that is currently raising the sea level.

Under a scenario of moderate warming, Venice could sink another 54 centimetres by 2100, UNESCO says, warning: 'If nothing is done it could be flooded every day.'

Mount Kilimanjaro

Africa's highest mountain Mount Kilimanjaro which is measured at 5,895 metres (19,341 feet) above sea level has existed for more than 10,000 years. Unfortunately, it has 'lost 80 percent of their surface in the 20th century because of the impact of climate change and changing human activity such as people inhabiting the area.'

These are just three of the several places that are affected by the global warming. There are still several places around the world that would suffer if humankind will not do what it has to do in order to minimize the effects of such.

Venice, Great Barrier Reef
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