March 9, 2025 10:20 AM

Places to Visit Before It's Too Late

Things are changing faster than normal and scientists have confirmed it. There are earthquakes, typhoons, climate change, and pollution. The world doesn't look so good right now, and everything is changing constantly.

Here's a list of incredible places that are currently or about to experience major changes. You may not see these places in a few years or so so we suggest you visit them now.

Petra, Jordan

Weather erosion, rain, and tourists touching the temple surface are the reasons why this temple can not look the way it looks like it now in a few years.

Glacier National Park

This is the 10th most visited national park in the United States and draws around 2.3 million people every. Because of climate change, the once home to roughly 150 glaciers are now down to just 25. Scientists estimate that the park could lose all of its large glaciers on or before 2030.

The Great Barrier Reef

Known as the only living thing that can be seen from the outer space, this top diving spot located in Australia's east coast sprawls out over 133,000 square miles. Some estimates the reef to be changed in 20 years if measures will not be taken to control water pollution, illegal fishing, and rising ocean temperatures.

The Great Wall of China

Nearly a third of the Great Wall of China has completely disappeared due to natural erosion, human destruction, and lack of protection.

The Alps

Climate change is bringing challenges for the mountain range that has been frozen for so long. Alpine glaciers are retreating and temperatures are increasing at an alarming rate.

Chan Chan Archaeological Site, Peru

Chan Chan is located in the mouth of the Moche Valley and was the capital of the historical Chimor Empire. It was awarded by UNESCO a "Cultural Heritage" title in 1986. Currently, natural erosion is the site's main enemy as well as tourists who do not throw their garbage in proper places.

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