March 31, 2025 11:24 AM

Newborn Baby Girl Abandoned in a Hole in Los Angeles

A newborn baby girl is found abandoned in a hole under asphalt in Los Angeles last November 27.

The baby was rescued by officials when people heard her muffled cry in the side of a riverbed. The people then alerted the authorities in Compton where Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded. The poor baby was found buried alive in a hole under asphalt and rubber.

Department said "deputies removed the pieces of asphalt and debris and rescued the baby from the crevice. The baby was wrapped in a blanket and cold to the touch."

The baby girl was then rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, she is currently in stable condition and being well taken caref of in the medical facility. On Saturday, the baby girl was presumed to be around 36 to 48 hours old.

The officers asked the public to help give information regarding the baby's parents and contact them immediately should the citizens have any leads.

The department also assured the public who is not ready to face parenthood that safe haven laws exist wherein a parent will not be questioned if he or she decides to drop off a baby in a hospital or a fire station.

"Sadly, babies are sometimes harmed or abandoned by parents who feel that they're not ready or able to raise a child, or don't know there are other options," the department mentioned. "Many of these mothers or fathers are afraid and don't know where to turn for help. There's a better choice, surrender your baby."

This makes it the second time a newborn baby was abandoned. Last week preceding this incident, another was left behind in a church nativity scene in Queens, New York. Later, the mother of the baby was found but no charges were pressed against her because she followed safe haven laws by leaving the baby in the church where the child is certainly safe.

Baby, Los angeles
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