December 22, 2024 11:09 AM

‘Scandal’ Season 4 Episode 22 Finale Stream [SPOILERS] When Mellie Meets Olivia Pope’s Evil Father! [FREE ONLINE STREAM LINK]

'Scandal' is wrapping up its fourth season run this Thursday night with an explosive finale. If you think you've seen Rowan's most evil side, think again. The last episode this season is going to prove that Olivia Pope is not safe from her very own father. The intense episode is going to be action-packed from start to end, especially when Mellie meets Rowan face to face. Don't miss this Thursday night's episode. Watch 'Scandal' season 4 episode 22 stream using the free online stream link below.

Note: This feature contains spoilers on the upcoming episode. Kindly read at your own risk.

Rowan Pope's reign of terror is already getting on everyone's nerve, so it won't be surprising that many are already planning on ending it, even his own daughter, Olivia Pope. In the middle of this travesty however is Olivia's difficult decision of sacrificing Fitz and Jake just to take down Rowan. Mellie will have an involvement in this plan. Thus, the First Lady is going to meet Papa Pope in the finale. Catch the show tonight by tuning in on ABC at 9 p.m. EST. You may also simply watch 'Scandal' season 4 episode 22 stream through the free online stream link at the bottom.

Last week, it was revealed that Mellie is "Foxtail" and that Rowan was secretly donating to the First Lady's campaign due to political if not personal reasons. In this week's finale episode, it's time to reveal whether Mellie won the Senate election or not. Actress Kerry Washington recently gushed about the finale and according to her, There's a lot of things that could explode. "Hearts could explode, minds could explode. When we finished the table read for this finale, I was so shocked that I looked at [creator] Shonda Rhimes and said, 'Where do we go from here? How do we even have a fifth season after this?'" Watch 'Scandal' season 4 episode 22 stream using the free online stream link found at the end of this post.

The official synopsis of 'Scandal' season 4 episode 22: "In the fourth-season finale, Olivia and her team make bold moves in order to defeat Command. Meanwhile, the results come in for Mellie's election."

"You Can't Take Command" is set to air this Thursday at 9 p.m. EST. Watch Scandal season 4 episode 22 stream using the free online stream link here.

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