March 4, 2025 06:31 AM

Travelers Respond To Common Tricky Airplane Situations

Let's face it. Flying can be annoying sometimes. Issues come up that make people want to tear their hair out. There's always the kid that kicks the back of your seat, the people who turn their music up so high that they shouldn't even bother wearing headphones, and the case of having to fight over overhead bin space for your carry-on. These situations may push everyone's buttons, but people react differently to different situations.

Travel Leaders Group recently conducted a survey in which they asked consumers how they would handle various inflight situations. They came up with questions relating to common nuisances and asked people how they handle them. A total of 855 consumer shared their responses for the survey that was conducted between April 4 and May 16.

"With more and more people flying today, there are bound to be situations in which air travelers aren't quite sure if, or how, they should take action. Let's face it, there are no real etiquette rules for air travel," Travel Leaders Group CEO Barry Liben told Travel Agent Central.

This is the fourth year in a row that the consumer survey was conducted. The survey is created to help airlines better understand the thoughts of their passengers and for travelers who want to know how to react in certain situations.

Here are some of the situations that consumers were presented with and their answers regarding how they would handle them.

If another airline passenger seated near you won't turn off his/her cell phone while in flight, what would you do?

Call a flight attendant and let him/her handle the situation: 34.3%
Say something directly to the person: 27.1%
Sit quietly and say nothing: 23.9%
Not sure: 14.7%

If another airline passenger seated near you is using headphones to listen to music or a movie and the sound is so loud that everyone around him/her can also hear, what would you do?

Say something directly to the person asking them to turn it down: 47.4%
Call a flight attendant and let him/her handle the situation: 26.5%
Sit quietly and say nothing: 17.3%
Not sure: 8.8%

If a child was seated behind you on an airplane and constantly kicked your seat, what would you do?

Turn around and say something directly to the parent or child: 62.8%
Call a flight attendant and let him/her handle the situation: 10.2%
Sit quietly and say nothing, while hoping the parent will stop their child: 9.7%
Ignore it, children will be children: 6.7%
Turn around and glare at the parent or child: 6.1%
Not sure: 4.5%

If you were flying alone and a couple asked you to switch seats so that they could sit together, what would you do?

Gladly move regardless of what kind of seat it was: 44.7%
Move only if it was not a middle seat: 27.2%
Move only if new seat was an aisle seat: 13.6%
Not sure: 6.4%
Move only if new seat was a window seat: 4.4%
Move only if it were closer to the front of the plane: 1.8%
Move only if new seat had extra leg room: 1.3%
I wouldn't move for any reason: 0.6%

If you were traveling with a companion on vacation and you received an upgrade to first class, would you...

Depends on who I'm traveling with: 38.4%
I would pass up the opportunity so we could continue to sit together: 29.9%
I'm not sure what I would do: 11.8%
Give it to my traveling companion - they deserve a little extra something: 7.8%
Depends on the length of the flight: 6.3%
I would say "see you after the flight" and head to the front of the plane: 5.8%

If you placed a small bag in the overhead bin and were asked to place it under the seat in front of you so someone else could put a very large roller bag above, would you ...

Do so without a second thought: 54.6%
Do so, but grudgingly. I believe the other passenger should've checked their bag: 22.1%
Politely decline offering one or several reasons why your bag should stay where it is: 9.9%
Politely decline offering no explanation: 6.9%
Not sure: 6.5%

While passing through a TSA security checkpoint, if a traveler in front of you is taking too long removing shoes, laptop, etc. would you...

Patiently wait: 51.3%
Wait, but be frustrated that they don't have their act together: 37.8%
Jump in front of them: 9.0%
Not sure: 1.8%
Tell them to move faster: 0.1%

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