March 28, 2025 22:39 PM

Siga Alpha Epsilon Racist Video: Elicits Shocked Reactions From University Of Oklahoma, Celebs, Situation Goes Downhill For Frat [VIDEO]

The Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video titled "'There will never be a nigger in SAE' - Sigma Alpha Epsilon" and published Sunday has quickly reached over 270,000 views in just two days. The leaked video shows members of the Siga Alpha Epsilon, a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma, engaging in an extremely racist chant while on their way to an event.

The Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video was posted online by Unheard, a black student group at OU, according to USA Today.

While en route to the event, the video shows several white people chants which included a racial slur, referencing lynching and indicating black students would never be admitted to their fraternity's chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Perez Hilton's website described the video as being so egregious that it quickly gained attention throughout the media.

As soon as the President of the college, David Boren, heard the news and saw the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video, the chapter has been shut down, with its Greek letters removed from their fraternity house. On social media, there are already photos showing workers removing the letters from the building's facade.

The fraternity building had also been vandalized on Monday with graffiti. On one side of the building were written the letters "Tear it D." Also, two unidentified members of the chapter have told The Oklahoma Daily, the student newspaper, that they had already gotten death threats after the release of the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video.

Meanwhile, Boren, as well as many of the college's students, have admonished the members of the frat by coming forward. Boren reportedly joined hundreds of students at the Norman campus in a protest on Monday. Boren said he was sickened and couldn't eat or sleep after learning about the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video Sunday afternoon, reported the Associated Press.

He therefore promised a thorough investigation that could possibly bring forth the expulsion of some students from the school. Boren also said that the university's legal staff is already trying to see whether students who initiated and encouraged the chant in the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video have violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, prohibiting racial discrimination.

Members of the fraternity only have until Tuesday night to clear out of their fraternity house.

"To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful," Boren tweeted after the protest. "You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourself 'Sooners.'"

The college president added that the school will become "an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation."

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the university's and the national fraternity's efforts to repudiate the racist comments after the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video came out , were "an appropriate step."

Meanwhile, several celebrities including Waka Flocka Flame, have taken to social media to vent their disgust over the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video.

As for Sigma Alpha Epsilon's response to the entire fiasco, their national headquarters released the following statement:

"We apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video, and we are disgusted that any member would act in such a way. We are embarrassed by this video. This type of racist behavior will not be tolerated and is not consistent with the values and morals of our fraternity. This is absolutely not who we are."

On Monday, several members of the fraternity were left with telephone and email messages seeking their comment on the Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video were. They have not been returned, and other members have declined to comment as well.

The Siga Alpha Epsilon racist video involved the University of Oklahoma, which is located in the southern Oklahoma City suburb of Norman. The institution contains about 30,000 students, 5 percent of whom are black, two-thirds of whom are white and the rest of whom are other minority groups.

Racism, Racist
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