March 4, 2025 07:24 AM

Most Flights On Time For First Time in Two Years

Have you been on a flight that was actually on time for once lately? A new report shows that most likely, you did, and you even arrived with your luggage in hand by the end of your prompt plane trip.

Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, reported that for the first time in more than two years, airlines are performing well when it comes to being on time.

A Department of Transportation (DOT) Air Travel Consumer Report showed that in April 2012, 86.3 percent of flights on the nation's biggest airlines arrived within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival time. The last time a high percentage like that was seen was in November 2009, but even that was higher at 88.6 percent.

This rate was a large increase from April 2011 which was only at 75.5 percent. April 2012's rating was up 4.1 percent from March's 82.2 percent.

"Our airlines strive to consistently deliver safe, on-time service, a trend that is leading to an improved customer experience," said A4A President and CEO Nicholas E. Calio in a press release. "Thanks to operational improvements and fewer weather disruptions, our members are again delivering strong on-time performance and already this year set two all-time records for baggage handling."

Bloomberg Businessweek reports that Hawaiian Airlines had the best on-time record with AirTran Airways following closely behind. They also said that American Airlines had the worst on-time record and United wasn't much better.

The report also showed that the majority of baggage arrived on time as well rather than getting lost. In April, 99.7 percent of all U.S. airline passengers had their bags delivered on time. This is an impressive number as it set a record as the highest rate since recordkeeping began in 1987. The record was last set in February of this year, showing that airlines have been consistent with baggage transfer reliability.

Despite increased performance in April, USA Today reports that there were 865 consumer complaints about U.S airlines which is an increase from 745 complaints last April.

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