February 28, 2025 12:15 PM

Jihadi John Apologizes To Family, 26-Year-Old Not Sorry For Beheadings

Jihadi John Apologizes - Mohammed Emwazi, also known as The excecutioner "Jihadi John" in a slew of Islamic State videos, has apologized to his family for the trouble he has caused them after he was identified as the masked ISIS militant butcher from Britain, The Sunday Times of London reported.

The Sunday Times of London reports that the 26-year-old computer-science graduate apologized from Syria through a third party.

Jihadi John apologizes and is said to be remorseful for the "problems and trouble the revelation of his identity has caused" for his parents and siblings, said an informed source. However, he is apparently unregretful of his barbaric actions, including the beheading of Western hostages.

Jihadi John is reportedly a Briton born in Kuwait and has come from a prosperous background. He grew up in London, graduating with a computer programming degree. "Jihadi John" had been outed by the Washington Post late last month.

The paper said he occasionally prayed at a mosque in Greenwich, southeast London and that he may have traveled to Syria in 2012 and could have joined the Islamic State after that.

Before Jihadi John apologized only to his family, other terrorist acts he had done included using videos to threaten the West and taunt leaders such as U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, according to Haaretz.

"His real name, according to friends and others familiar with his case, is Mohammed Emwazi, a Briton from a well-to-do family who grew up in West London and graduated from college with a degree in computer programming," according to the Post.

Jihadi John dressed entirely in black in every one of his beheading video. The balaclava covered all but his eyes and the ridge of his nose. He also wears a holster under his left arm, according to The Jerusalem Post.

Before Jihadi John apologized after the Post outed him on Feb. 26, his family was forced to go into hiding, , as well as move out of their government-provided London home, according to the New York Post.

Reports say that his mother, Ghaneya, and four siblings are in hiding at a hotel with armed police guards, which cost £5,000 (NIS 30,612) daily. Meanwhile, his father and one sister are said to have been living in Kuwait for the past two years.

The lawyers for Emwazi's father still maintain that it has still not been established whether Emwazi is the executioner in the Islamic State videos, despite Jihadi John apologizing to his family.

ISIS, Islamic State
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