February 23, 2025 04:26 AM

‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 4 Episode 13 Stream [SPOILERS] Villainous Allies! [FREE ONLINE STREAM LINK]

'Once Upon A Time' season 4 episode 13 is going to take fans into another fantasy-filled adventure as the stories of their favorite characters continue to unfold. Amid the good happenings however are the dark ones that are slowly crawling into the surface. Gold, who got banished last time, is now seeking for allies and who better can side him than the remarkable female villains Cruella De Vil and Ursula. Watch 'Once Upon A Time' season 4 episode 13 online using the free online stream link below.

Note: This feature contains spoilers on the upcoming episode of 'Once Upon A Time' Season 4. Kindly read at your own risk.

Last time on OUAT, Regina was faced with a difficult decision as a result of the Snow Queen's spell. Gold's desire for more power got in the way between him and the people and things he held dear. In a magical flashback in the Enchanted Forest, something that happened between Belle and Rumplestilskin wrecked havoc in the past and the future. This week, the Storybrooke characters will try their best to return to their normal lives following Gold's dismissal. Unbeknownst to them a vengeful Gold will find allies in the persons of two of the most villainous characters in the fantasy world. Tune in on ABC tonight or watch 'Once Upon A Time' season 4 episode 13 stream through the free online stream link at the bottom.

Show executive producer Edward Kitsis teased something about the upcoming episode during an interview with Variety. "One of the big themes for the second half of the season that we want to deal with is, 'What makes someone a hero and what makes someone a villain?' And what the differences are and what the common ground is," Kitsis said. "Emma has spent a long time in the series being told she's a savior and being told she's a hero, and now she's going to have to face that it's not as black and white as that. I think going into this second half, all of our characters are going to be wrestling with this idea of good and evil, not just in terms of what they're facing as an external threat, but internally and within themselves." Watch 'Once Upon A Time' season 4 episode 13 stream using the free online stream link at the end of this post.

As for Hook and Emma's relationship, Kitsis told Entertainment Weekly, "What we're trying to do is just show a relationship, a real one, even though it's between Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming." He also added, "What we're going to do is we're going to see them grow and we're going to see them get tested. Like all things, sometimes things get in the way of just purely your relationship; sometimes life gets in the way of it."

Based on the sneak peeks for the all-new episode, the Queen of Darkness, Cruella De Vil, Ursula and Maleficent are teaming up to spell more trouble for the people in Storybrooke. One teaser even shows Emma walking into the woods with the Queen of Darkness while Rumple could be heard saying that a pure heart should turn dark for them to reach their goal. And what could that be? Find out by tuning in on ABC at 8 p.m. EST tonight.

The official synopsis of 'Once Upon A Time' season 4 episode 13 reads: "With Gold banished from town, the residents of Storybrooke attempt to resume their normal lives. Hook and Belle search for a way to release the fairies from the Sorcerer's hat, while Emma, Henry and Regina continue to look for clues that could lead them to the Author. But when a terrifying darkness descends on the town, Emma and Regina are forced to confront the true nature of evil. Meanwhile, in New York, Gold and Ursula enlist Cruella De Vil to join their cause."

"Darkness on the Edge of Town" is set to air this Sunday evening on ABC at 8 p.m. EST. Watch 'Once Upon A Time' season 4 episode 18 stream using the free online stream link here.

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