March 4, 2025 09:11 AM

5 Dirtiest Parts of Plane Travel

While travelers pay high prices to take a flight, billions are guests get to travel for free-germs. Airports and planes see dozens to thousands of people a day and everyone has their own germs. Even though they can't be seen, germs are all over these public places.

The HuffingtonPost reports that Coverall, a company specializing in commercial cleaning, had a microbiologist study and collect data from airports to determine the top germ-filled places within airports.

Germs may be a bigger problem than people realize, so airports should supply more sanitizing materials and should have signs reminding people to wash their hands to stop the spread of germs. However, the study showed that some areas on planes , like bathrooms and tray tables, are rarely even cleaned between flights.

With these grimy findings, it's no surprise that the survey revealed that 60 percent of sink areas in plane restrooms tested positive for coliform bacteria.

Those who utilize planes and airports should use hand sanitizer or wash their hands, keep their hands away from the face, and carry their own disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces before using them, in order to minimize the spread of germs.

Here is a list of the dirtiest areas of an airplane and aiport.

1. The Airplane Bathroom

The bathroom isn't always cleaned between flights, so hundreds of people can use it before it gets its next cleaning, making it the dirtiest place on an airplane.

2. The Security Line

Now that people have to take off their shoes at airports, the security line floor is a gross area. Millions of people have walked along that line and could have been carrying athlete's foot and other fungal infections. Wear socks if you're going through the security line

3. Onboard Magazines

If you need reading material, bring your own. Onboard magazines carry the germs of those who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Studies show that 30% of people don't wash their hands after using the lavatory. Then there are the germs of those who cough and sneeze into their hands or lick their fingers to turn pages.

4. The Airport Water Fountain

Even though this device contains water, it's far from clean. Due to improper and malfunctioning filter system, the tap water on the plane can contain contaminants like E. coli and others.

5. Airplane Blankets and Pillows

These sleep items don't get thrown out after flights. You could be using a blanket or pillow that was sneezed or drooled on by a sick passenger in a past flight. Buy your own neck pillow and wear layers to stay warm instead of using these dirty airplane items.

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