March 4, 2025 17:04 PM

Premature Babies Psychiatric: New Research Suggests Babies Born Prematurely More Likely To Develop Psychiatric Problems As Adults, What Types Of Psychiatric Problems?

Premature Babies Psychiatric - New study reveals that babies born prematurely are most likely to be diagnosed with psychiatric disorders by adulthood. What types of psychiatric disorders are these? Is there a way to prevent premature birth leading to such psychiatric disorders?

Research from McMaster University reveals that premature babies' psychiatric disorders are likely to develop. Such psychiatric disorders are depression, attentive-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety. On the other hand, premature babies are less prone to substance abuse problems or alcoholism at adulthood.

The study on premature babies' psychiatric disorders involved 84 adults who had been born at only less than two pounds and two ounces. This was in contrast to 90 babies who were born with normal weights.

"Unfortunately, extremely low birth weight survivors who may benefit significantly from ACS [antenatal corticosteroids] at birth and in the neonatal period may be at an elevated risk of psychopathology in later life. However, it is important to stress that ACS is a lifesaving intervention, and even if our findings are replicated, we would advocate for close follow-up of these individuals rather than avoidance of ACS by women presenting with threatened preterm birth," says the study as reported by News Max.

One professor of psychiatry from Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, Van Lieshout, claims that premature babies psychiatric disorders develop due to them being "shy and socially reticent." This has led to decreased exposure to their respective peer groups. While this may mean less exposure to drugs and alcohol, it puts them at risk for anxiety and depression.

So how psychiatric disorders would be prevented in premature babies? Well, the answer is clear but not necessarily easy to achieve. Mothers should ensure that their babies are born on their scheduled term. As babies who have been born prematurely have been subject to a stressful psychological environment leading to psychiatric disorders developing in adulthood.

Apart from premature babies' psychiatric disorders link found, recent studies have also linked low birth weights to a heightened risk of health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

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