March 4, 2025 11:29 AM

Texas Muslims Heckled: At Democracy Rally, Protesters Said ‘We Don’t Want You Here’

Texas Muslims Heckled - Hundreds of Muslims in Texas faced constant heckling from a small group of protesters during a rally at the Texas Capitol Thursday. The rally with the Texas Muslims heckled was reportedly organized to encourage more Muslims to participate in the democratic process.

There were more than 200 people in the rally with the Texas Muslims heckled, which was hosted by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The people are there to learn about government and political engagement and discuss issues with the lawmakers, reports the Portland Press Herald.

However, instead of finding a warm welcome from the community encouraging their participation, the Texas Muslims heckled faced about two dozen self-identified Christians protesters nearby. The sign-wielding protesters reportedly tried to overpower speakers at Texas Muslim Capitol Day repeatedly.

"We don't want you here!" shouted the protesters, making the Texas Muslims heckled.

"Go home!" some added.

Children in the crowd reportedly became visibly upset, especially as one protester grabbed a rally-goer's microphone and declared Muhammad a "false prophet."

Another protester used the podium microphone to have the Texas Muslims heckled. She started screaming, condemning Islam, before she was escorted back to her group of fellow hecklers and demonstrators. She was escorted back by the Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, who were out in the rally to prevent violence, according to USA Today.

"I think we now know why we're here today," said Ruth Nasrullah, CAIR of Houston communications director, after returning to the podium.

While she spoke, the protesters still continued with having the Texas Muslims heckled and went on with the loud shouting.

Meanwhile, a group of young girls continued singing 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' and did not relent for the majority of the hour and a half event.

Still, despite the Texas Muslims heckled, speakers went on with the program and spoke on issues with focus on maintaining in-state tuition options for certain undocumented students brought to Texas as children, as well as House Bills 474 and 455, which required law enforcement officers to wear body cameras.

"We realize that won't stop all of the issues, but it's a way of keeping all citizens safe and also protects the police officers," said CAIR of Houston executive director Mustafaa Carroll.

Such as other faith groups, supporters of the bill reportedly placed great emphasis on bills affecting religious freedom and did not agree with the Texas Muslims heckled.

"Our work will not be done until every faith community knows that it has access to its leaders and that its voices will be heard," said Christian pastor Whit Bodman, who is with Texas Impact.

"We're also asking our representatives to support a bill that's going to be coming through to actually prevent courts from interpreting our religious texts," Carroll told KVUE.

That bill, House Joint Resolution (HJR) 32, was filed by state Rep. Dan Flynn (R-Canton). Flynn also authored House Bill 670, a so-called "anti-foreign law" bill, which CAIR opposes.

"I've heard more about Sharia from non-Muslims than I ever heard from Muslims and I've been a Muslim since I was nineteen years old," Carroll said, arguing that the United States and Texas Constitutions render "anti-Sharia" laws were unnecessary.

"There's no codified set of laws. There's no what they call 'Sharia law,'" said Carroll. "I guess the equivalent would be like the Ten Commandments."

Meanwhile, Freshman state Rep. Molly White (R-Belton), while not part of the group which had the Texas Muslims heckled, drew criticism Thursday after instructing her office to ask Muslim community representatives to "publicly announce allegiance" to America.

"We will see how long they stay in my office," she added.

The post reportedly resulted in a letter from CAIR government affairs manager Robert McCraw to Frank Battle, ethics advisor to Texas Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio).

"Has Rep. White violated any House rules in creating such an internal office policy that is selectively being enforced to discriminate against certain religious minorities trying to meet with her or her staff?" he demanded to know.

"Are House members prohibited from making constituents take oaths before meeting with their elected representatives or house staff? Or, are you aware of any other ethical breaches that may have occurred because of these statements?" he continued.

Straus also released a statement later addressing the Texas Muslims heckled. Though he didn't specifically name White, Straus said lawmakers should treat all with respect, according to The Dallas Morning News.

"The Texas Capitol belongs to all the people of this state, and legislators have a responsibility to treat all visitors just as we expect to be treated -- with dignity and respect. Anything else reflects poorly on the entire body and distracts from the very important work in front of us," Strauss said the in statement.

Organizers said that despite the Texas Muslims heckled, the most important objective of the day was to ease fears and encourage Texas Muslims to participate in the democratic process.

Annette Lamoreaux, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas and vice president of legal, noted that many have come from countries where there is no tradition of government participation.

"It's very important for both the adults, and I came up on a bus of students, for them to learn that this is their Capitol and these are their representatives," Lamoreaux said, "And they need to participate in the democratic process and let their voices be heard."

"Many of our folks have come from places where they never had any contact with government and if they did it wasn't always good," said Carroll. "So many of them are afraid to even be here, and this was a way of opening that up so that this mystique about government wouldn't affect them."

Texas Muslims were heckled during the rally, but hopefully this wouldn't be reason for them not to participate in laws implemented which would help them in the long run.

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