March 4, 2025 09:46 AM

Must Bring Items on Long Flights

Flying can be a stressful experience for some. Airlines seem to be doing even more to make flying less convenient and less enjoyable. They're putting prices on everything from headphones to blankets, and even charging extra fees for a seat next to your loved one. Then there are delays and turbulence that could cause some added tension on flights. There are certain items that you can bring to make a long flight a little more comfortable.


You're lucky if you come across a flight that offers television, movie or radio service and now they're starting to make you pay extra for the headphones needed to enjoy these things. A long flight can make a person go a little crazy, especially if there's nothing around to keep you occupied. Make sure to bring your own entertainment. Bring your own headphones to use in case there is in-flight entertainment available. Make sure your electronic devices like laptops, iPods and E-readers are charged so that you can read, listen to music, play games, or watch movies. These things aren't supposed to be used during takeoff or landing, so also bring some paper books or magazines to keep you occupied.


You've probably heard people say that airplane food is terrible, or maybe you've found out for yourself. Also, some airlines might not offer snacks for free anymore. Bring snacks from home, but make sure they won't smell and bother other passengers. Be sure to pick up some beverages in the departure area, after you've passed security. They'll make you throw out beverages from home. Pack some gum or sucking candy to keep your ears from popping during takeoff and landing. Also check out the TSA website for current updates on what you can and cannot bring.

Essential medications and toiletries

Medicine couldn't be more important and you wouldn't want to be without it if you're dealing with a long delay or if your checked bag is lost. Make sure to put things like your prescription medications, nasal sprays, moisturizers and lip balm in your carry on. You probably won't want to go too long without a toothbrush or other bathroom necessities either. Follow the Transportation Security Administration's 3-1-1 rule for carry-on liquids and gels: containers must be 3.4 ounces or smaller and fit inside a clear, 1-quart, zip-lock bag (one bag per passenger).


At such high altitudes, the temperature in the cabin can get pretty cold. With some airlines charging for blankets, you're going to want to pack a sweater, jacket, or wrap, and even socks in your carry on. If you're on a long, overnight flight, you may want to pack an air-pillow for your neck as well.

Credit Card

Many airlines now take credit cards only for on-board purchased, so if you're looking to buy a drink, extra food or if you want to buy something from the in-flight duty free store, you'll want to have plastic on hand.

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