March 25, 2025 10:57 AM

45-Foot Icicle: Man-made Or A Natural Phenomenon?

A 45-foot icicle in your front yard may be an alarming picture, but just this week a south-central Illinois family begged to differ.

According to Fox News, the family decided to create a 45-foot icicle when temperatures dropped in their area. The result? A stunning display that leaves motorists curious.

The interesting tall display of frozen proportions is found at a home in St. Elmo in Lafayette County which is roughly 20 miles southwest of Effingham on Interstate 70.

The creator of the magnificent display is Garrick Moreland and per local reports he climbed into a nearby tree with a hose. Once he reached the top, he turned the water on when the environment turned very cold a couple of weeks ago.

Upon doing so, the icicle was formed. It then slowly grew and ultimately turned into the 45-foot icicle that it is today.

KSDK has learned that Garrick got the idea behind the giant icicle from his mom's late husband, Alan Ragel, who used to build smaller icicles along the driveway using the same method.

Due to its tremendous appearance, many passers-by couldn't help but get stunned at the height of the icicle.

Many curious motorists reportedly stop by whenever they get the chance to just so they could take pictures of the 45-foot icicle or simply enjoy its beauty by staring at it for minutes.

However, there is a big downside to this, according to Garrick's mother, Katherine Ragel.

Katherine says that while the beautiful creation of his son is a total head-turner, she is worried that an accident would ensue given that passing traffic almost always "stop in the middle of the road," reports WRAL.

Nonetheless, no reports on any accident have been documented as of late, so for now everyone in the area can enjoy taking snaps of the 45-foot icicle that could pass as one of Frozen Queen Elsa's creations.

Odd news, World news
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