March 26, 2025 10:43 AM

Fingernails Health Signs: How To Know Your Health Just By Looking At Your Nails

Fingernails Health Signs - It's a brand new year! Rather than focus on things like travel, money, and everything else in between, you should start focusing on your health. While not everyone has time to spare for a full body check-up, know your health just by looking at your nails.

Doctors have long been looking at fingernails health signs as the first step to every medical check-up. You can practice the same too! You'll easily know if you have poor diet to kidney problems just by taking a glance at your fingernails.

Fingernails health signs point out to 30 different medical issues, which more or less indicate a number of problems. According to Dr. Amy Derick of Northwestern University, there are eight ways a doctor can easily spot your health judging from your fingernails.

First on the fingernails health signs are "clubbed" nails. This type of nail is characterized by the curve of the nail, which is more concave. People with clubbed nails are those with emphysema or with lung problems.

Next on the fingernails health signs are nails with indentations or small pits. This is a sign of eczema, psoriatic arthritis, or arthritis. Another health condition from fingernails are those who have thinner nails compared to the normal nail. People with thin nails either have a dietary or vitamin deficiency.

Another on the fingernails health signs are nails which life out of the nail bed. This is a clear indicator of thyroid or kidney issues. Other signs are those with "half-and-half" nails, which also indicate a kidney problem.

There are seven fingernails health signs one should not ignore. Check out the slideshow provided by Mayo Clinic. Your nails say a lot about your health. Take a quick peek at your nails and if you notice a big difference from what should be normal then best seek medical attention.

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