March 31, 2025 17:08 PM

Jessica Chambers Murder Investigators Now Have New Leads Regarding Teen’s Death; 19-Year-Old Courtland Girl Found Burning Next To Car

Jessica Chambers murder investigators have now tracked new leads three days after her funeral. The residents of a small town in Mississippi were agonized when the Chambers was burned to death and there were no answers regarding to how or why she was killed.

Ray McClenic said, "I called the Sheriff's department and I told them everything that I knew. I said, 'What y'all are looking for, I don't know what kind of vehicle.' I said, 'But, it's got really, really loud pipes on it.'" According to this witness, he heard a vehicle drive quickly down his street the same night that Chambers was found burning next to her car in Courtland, Mississippi over a week ago.

This is just one of the many tips that Jessica Chambers murder investigators are presently looking into. District Attorney John Champion said, "Information is coming in to us really slowly, very, very slowly. But, we're getting some information. I don't know if it's attributed to the reward or not."

Champion expects that the reward for those who have information regarding the case would increase to nearly $30,000, much of the reward coming from private locations.

Additionally, the investigators have also gone to the home of Bryan Rudd's parents. Rudd, who now resides in Iowa, used to date Chambers back in high school. Rudd's mother, Theresa Fleming, stated, "When we found out that Jessica had passed, I put something on my page, my Facebook page. It was a picture of Jessica."

According to the local police, they went to Fleming's home looking for information. They were looking for any clue that could help them figure out who the 19-year-old Jessica Chambers murder was killed.

Apart from the people who have been aforementioned, Jessica Chambers murder investigators now have more people whom they want to question with regards to the teenager's death. They have advised people to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-729-2169 or the Panola County Sheriff's Department if they have any information they think can help the ongoing investigation.

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