March 4, 2025 02:45 AM

Pan Am Travel Costs Are Being Watched

Scores of Pan Am Games authorities here and abroad are seeing the world on the Ontario citizen's dime.

TO2015 appraises that airfare alone cost some $500,000 for as far back as four years. Yet pundits say closer to $800,000 was used on flying TO2015 and Pan American Sports Organization (PASO) authorities to far-flung ends of the line where they were celebrated.

"These guys haven't found anywhere that they weren't willing to fly to," said Tory MPP Todd Smith, the Games commentator for the Progressive Conservatives, whose staff Monday was all the while poring over the costs.

"They have been to London. Glasgow, Geneva, Rio, New Delhi, Italy, Barbados, Cayman Islands - they've been everywhere," Smith told the Star.

Different ends of the line include: St. Petersburg, Russia; Mexico City, Athens, Atlanta, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Montevideo, and Guadalajara.

Under the Agreement of Responsibilities and Obligations for the Organization of the XVII American Games in 2015, the host purview is obliged to get the tab for going to dignitaries - including airfare and a room with twofold couches. What's more To2015 additionally paid for game occasion masters to be flown into Toronto to exhort authorities here.

"When you're charged with delivering an international event, some international travel comes with the territory." TO2015 spokeswoman Neala Barton said in an email statement.

Smith said that may be the situation, yet inquired as to why somebody from To2015 would need to go to judo rivalries in both Colorado Springs and Whitehorse. "You know you can watch these things on a machine and there is such an incredible concept as a video chat nowadays," he said.

It is costing in any event $2.5 billion to have the Games, which will have 7,666 competitors contending in 51 games at venues in 16 districts, including Toronto, Hamilton, Milton, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Caledon, St. Catharines, and Welland.

Citizens got a sight of a percentage of the faulty using by To2015 when the org dumped 5,000 sheets of costs covering four years on journalists at Queen's Park on Friday - a day after the assembly climbed for the Christmas break.

There were cases for pricey dress shirts, South American wine, Smarties, $8,220 in Toronto Argonauts tickets, $9,820 in Tim Hortons blessing cards, yoga jeans and coats, many global flights - including $3,800 for two grown-ups and a youngster to fly from Turin, Italy, site of the 2006 Winter Olympics - a wine visit, blooms, stopping tickets, many catered suppers and snacks, instructive courses and expert levy for staff, in addition to different costs.

With respect to the excursion from Turin, Barton expressed: "Both individuals were hired by TO2015 and were relocated to Toronto in 2013, along with their young child. They both worked in Sochi and other Games in similar roles."

Barton noted a great part of the travel is needed in place that the Games are the best they can be. At the same time even along these lines, she said since Saad Rafi assumed control as To2105 CEO in January he has requested to endorse all worldwide travel actually.

She said steps are consistently brought to eliminate travel. "As we move from arranging the Games to executing them, a hefty portion of the non-ordered travel and migration expenses are currently behind us. Beside the travel needed under the host city assention, To2015 staff will to a great extent be working from the Games foot shaped impression"

To2015 seat David Peterson said once journalists move beyond the stories of squeezed orange and blooms, "the real story is (these Games) are run enormously efficiently and totally transparently. And the mistakes are . . . peanuts."

NDP critic MPP Paul Miller said the truth is "it's going to get worse before it gets better."

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