March 10, 2025 19:28 PM

IPilot Program Takes On Fear Of Flying

She may be smiling but Jitka Galuskova is terrified of flying. However, she's confronting her fears, with the help of professional pilot Jan Hejak and a programme called iPilot. In an Airbus A320 flight simulator Jitka is trying to take control of her problem.

Galuskova says, "I fear heights very much with the combination of enclosed space. This is very unpleasant for me." Jitka is one of millions around the world who suffer from aerophobia, the fear of flying. When she heard about Prague's new iPilot programme, she says she knew she had to try it.

"I wanted to try to fight off the fear because this causes problems in my private and also professional life." iPilot says it can help. Here in Prague, and eight other locations in Europe and the Middle East, people like Jitka can meet their fears head on. Seated alongside a professional pilot they can take off and land at more than 24,000 simulated airports. They can see first hand how pilots like Jan Hajek do their job.

Hajek says, "We try to show our clients the procedures inside the cockpit and explain how we solve the problems people fear the most like stopping engine fires, and we show them that these situations are quite manageable and that aircraft can fly safely afterwards." And for Jitka it seems to be working. Having taken control of the aircraft briefly in the early sessions, she says she already feels more confident about flying as a passenger... at least inside a simulator... "I trust I will overcome this fear and will start flying in my real life as well." It would be a major step forward. iPilot tells its clients that the sky is the limit.

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