October 24, 2024 03:24 AM

Cavaliers Schedule & News: Lebron James Awkward Meet-up With Kate Middleton; UK Royal Couple Meets Hip Hop Royalty Beyonce and Jay-Z [Photos]

The visit of the royal couple has made the Cavaliers game night more interesting as royal protocols has been broken and royalties of different calibre meet.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited New York city on Dec. 8 and attended the Brooklyn Nets game held at Barclays Center. The game included the NBA star LeBron Raymone James and his fellow basketball players, who are quietly supporting the Eric Garner protesters, according to MTV News.

While James' team Cleveland Cavaliers won in the tight game scoring 105 points against Toronto Raptors' 101 points, the NBA star has lost the respect of the British community. The NBA star has apparently broken a royal protocol after he wrapped his arm around the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. A similar controversy also emerged when First Lady Michelle Obama hugged Queen Elizabeth during a G-20 summit reception in the United Kingdom in 2009.

"There are no obligatory codes of behavior when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family, but many people wish to observe the traditional forms," according to the official website of the British Monarchy. "For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way."

After the game, James, wearing a sweaty Cavaliers shirt, met the royal couple and took photos with them. In the photos, James placed his arm around Princess Kate while her husband, Prince William stood on the other side.

The princess apparently had a questioning look on her face while James' arms wrapped around her, which lasted for about 20 seconds. The director of the New York Etiquette School of Mahanttan Dianne Marsch made a comment on the royals' behavior during the picture-taking.

"The Duchess of Cambridge was very graceful and smiled, even though the look on her face when LeBron James placed his arm around her shoulder speaks volumes about her discomfort of being placed in that situation," Marsch told New York Daily News. "Also, Prince William looks down at the jersey, but his body language is speaking volumes of how to handle this situation politely and he even looked away at one point."

Other photos showed Prince William holding a mini jersey with the name of the his son with Princess Kate, George, on the back. Kate, on the other hand, held a mini jersey with "Cambridge" written on it.

Beyoncé and Jay Z, who are considered to be the royalties when it comes to rap music, also got the chance to interact with the Duke and the Duchess. An eyewitness said that the Beyoncé and Princess Kate conversed about motherhood, according to E! news.

"Bey and Kate talked about their kids," the source said. "They asked each other, 'How old is yours?' They basically bonded over motherhood."

The source added that the couples also greeted each other a merry Christmas. Although it was short, the conversation was supposed as "a very warm and friendly one," according to the same source.

The royal couple has returned to England on Tuesday and has reunited with their son Prince George.

LeBron James, Kate middleton, Beyonce, Jay-z
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