March 26, 2025 10:14 AM

World Soil Day: Remember, Remember The 5th Of December

Remember, remember the 5th of December!

December 5th is declared as the World Soil Day. This day is a great time and opportunity to celebrate this very important non-renewable resource of the planet.

It is one of the greatest natural resource of that we, humans, have on Earth as it plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives. Most of the best soil that thrives in the world is found in Indiana and United States.

The celebration of the World Soil Day is to highlight the significance of soil in the lives of every living organism in our planet. The United States Department of Agriculture will be working with the United Nations to help raise awareness to the people as well as promote the conservation of the soil resources. Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Robert Bonnie said that the USDA is taking on this new opportunity to tell the world about the importance of this priceless resource. This would also be a good opportunity to protect and improve the priceless resource that we have.

The global International Year of Soils campaign was led by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership. This is to increase awareness and understanding to the importance of soil in terms of food security and how it plays a major part in the function of the ecosystems. This resource also plays a pivotal role in the hunger eradication that is apparently rampant all over the world; as well as in adaptation in climate change. This also includes its roles in poverty reduction and sustainable development.

A number of organizations and agencies are going to work hand-in-hand in promoting this awareness. "NRCS conservationists work with America's farmers and ranchers to take care of the soil, ensuring agricultural operations are sustainable for many years to come," said NCRS Chief Jason Weller.

United nations, America, Environment, Travel, Nature
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