March 5, 2025 13:20 PM

Why Should You Quit: Studies Have Shown Smoking Can Damage Men's Y Chromosome

Illnesses related to smoking are not new to us-but here is another reason why you should quit:

Researchers presented a finding on Thursday that Smoking may damage men's Y chromosome in their blood cells. This finding may explain why men have higher likelihood of dying from smoking-related illnesses than women.

Missing Y chromosome in the red blood cells will make men more prone to cancer, according to the team of Finnish researchers. They are still not very certain as to why. In their latest study, they took blood samples from 6,000 men and examined it along with the lifestyle factors that may affect their health.

They had found out that men who smoked were missing the Y chromosome in their blood cells. On the other hand, those men who had quit smoking got their Y chromosome back.

Lars Forsberg-a researcher at Finland's Uppsala University and the one who led the study said that this finding would be of great help and motivation for smokers to quit.

Y chromosome is the one responsible for the controlling the production of male hormones. It is the stretch of DNA that determines male from female. Its loss could greatly affect the mechanism of the body to fight cancer.

According to other studies, losing or damaging the Y chromosome increases the chances of men getting non-lung cancers from smoking than women. Bladder cancer and colon cancer are the most likely the men could get.

Researchers say that Y chromosome is more vulnerable and mutation-prone than the other chromosomes which is why it can be damaged easily especially by smoking. Moreover, further researches have to be done in order to clarify more things about this subject matter.

Smoking, Health
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