March 5, 2025 13:13 PM

'Survivor' Recap: Two Outcasts Leave Camp, Unsure Alliances Emerge? Who's Out Next?

With two people out of the tribe, the remaining six survivors will need to play smart to win. However, strategy seems to be overlapped by emotions in "Survivor: San Juan del Sur"

Reed Kelly and Alec Christy said their goodbyes in the back-to-back episode of "Survivor" Wednesday, according to HitFix.

Kelly was voted out by all of the tribe members in the first tribal council. Before the votation, Missy Payne accused Kelly of being a "rabble-rouser" for calling her daughter Baylor Wilson a "brat."

Meanwhile, Alec had a neck-to-neck battle with Keith Nale in the second tribal council. Nale got off the hook though, thanks to his new alliance with Natalie Anderson.

Alec leaving the show left Payne in shock and Jaclyn Schultz confused. Alec admitted that his ambition exceeded his talent in the game.

"I didn't win, but at least I beat Drew, so that counts as a win for me," Alec said after the tribal council.

In the second half of the episode, Anderson made a decision to go against Jon Misch after the 26-year-old outcast voted Jeremy Collins out of "Survivor," People reported. Her plan didn't work out well though, after Misch won immunity in the second challenge. She decided to betray Misch in another way by voting Alec instead of Nale.

Of course, Misch was perplexed of the tribal council's outcome. What's perplexing for viewers though was Anderson's strategy, according to People and Entertainment Weekly. Instead of voting Schultz out of the game to rid Misch of his biggest ally, Anderson and Wilson decided to "piss" Misch off and teamed up with Nale.

Anderson is considered a strategist in the game but fans think that her vendetta against Misch might cause her to lose the game. Anderson even mentioned that she will "literally kill herself" if Misch walks out as the last "Survivor".

Meanwhile, Jeff Probst seemed to have had enough of the outcasts' attitude towards the show, according to Entertainment Weekly.

"Let me ask you guys a question," Probst interjected during the first reward challenge. "Is this just gonna be a friendly 'We're gonna see how this goes between the five of you for the rest of this challenge?'" The outcasts' responded that it was, which didn't please Probst.

"Why are we wasting our time," Frobst asked. "I think this is just a big charade and really if all this is is, 'We're just throwing it until we get the person we want to win,' just tell me who it's gonna be."

Despite Frobst's interruption, the challenge went on and Payne went with her daughter and Anderson to a horseback riding sleepover feast while Misch was sent off to Exile island.

On the other hand, the second reward challenge involved endurance and Anderson was the last person standing. Anderson chose Schultz and Misch to join her, where Misch ended up talking about his father's death due to brain cancer.

"Survivor" airs on CBS every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.

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