March 29, 2025 14:03 PM

Ansel Elgort Dating 'Modern Family' Star Sarah Hyland? Who Is 'The Fault In Our Stars' Girlfriend?

Ansel Elgort dating - After appearing on "The Fault in Our Stars" as the beloved and adorable Augustus Waters, a lot of fans specifically women asked if Ansel Elgort was seeing anybody. Well, apart from getting linked to his co-star, Shailene Woodley, Elgort has also been linked to a number of other women.

From Woodley to Sarah Hyland, who exactly is Ansel Elgort dating? After "Divergent" and "The Fault in Our Stars" release, Elgort instantly became the next Hollywood heartthrob that had dozens of female fans lining up. While he might have been romantically linked with Woodley in the John Green film adaptation, his actual relationship with Woodley is of the opposite.

So who is Ansel Elgort dating if it isn't Woodley? Early in Nov, the actor had been linked to "Modern Family" star, Hyland. Such reports had started after Hyland posted a collage of photos on her Instagram account the day of her 24th birthday. Present in the photos were Ellie Goulding, Taylor Swift, and Elgort.

With Hyland wrapped in a bear hug from the "Divergent" actor, it prompted fans to ask: "Are Hyland and Ansel Elgort dating?" The answer is, no. The two are simply good friends and are particularly affectionate with one another, especially after news came out that Hyland came from an abusive relationship with her ex-beau, Matthew Prokop.

If Ansel Elgort dating Hyland has been dubbed as false, who is the hunk of an actor seeing? The lucky woman is reportedly none other than Violetta Komyshan. This is according to the Web site, Who's Dated Who. Who is Komyshan? Komyshan is Elgort's long-time girlfriend who had even been present during the "TFIOS" premiere. Of course such reports were dated back in June. New claims state Elgort has split with Komyshan.

Now that the actor is allegedly single, who is Ansel Elgort dating?

Sarah Hyland, Modern family, Shailene Woodley, Divergent, Taylor swift, Instagram
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