March 5, 2025 13:21 PM

VIDEO: Man Delivers Shark Pups South Africa, Goes Viral With Almost 800,000 Views, Cuts Up Dead Mother’s Body

Man delivers shark pups, South Africa, and a video of it uploaded on YouTube just this Monday goes viral. The video released shows the spectacular moment a South African man pulled three writhing infant shark pups from the belly of their dead and washed up mother.

Man delivers shark pups, South Africa, by using only a knife and his hands. The man who cut open the dead shark's body and carried its babies back into the ocean is reportedly a beach visitor.

Since the video was uploaded on Monday, it has already been viewed almost 800,000 times.

The man delivers shark pups, South Africa, and the viral video began after an American family walking on the beach in Cape Town, South Africa, were shocked to find a dead shark on the sand, according to The Independent.

The dead shark discovered had movement on its underside indicating that it might be pregnant, describes UPI.

Before the man delivers shark pups, South Africa, the video shows the family moving closer to the animal. The woman who was filming the incident first noticed the movement on the shark's underside.

Meanwhile, a beachgoer, who witnessed the scene unfolding, quickly leapt into action.

Man delivers shark pups, South Africa by using a small knife to perform an improvised C-section on the babies' dead mother. While the man was cutting open the belly of the mother shark, a person in the background could be heard saying, "Errr, there are no babies in there."

The man persevered and eventually, the man delivers shark pups, South Africa as the belly revealed a sack holding a lively shark pup.

According to The Spreadit, the man, who could possibly be a vet or a doctor, used his hands to pull out one pup from the mother's sac. The man also didn't seem to mind when one beachgoer reminded him that shark pups are born with a full set of teeth and he should be careful. He still held the shark pup which was wiggling on the sand.

The man delivers shark pups, South Africa, and the onlookers just screamed with amazement at the scene. After the man carried the pup into deeper water, he then reaches back into the dead shark's stomach, finding two more sacs, both with shark pups inside.

Afterwards, the background of the video went noisy with cries of amazed onlookers, with one saying, "I think that is the coolest thing I have ever seen."

YouTube user Beth Cordell, who posted the YouTube video titled "the man delivers shark pups in South Africa", wrote in the caption:

"This video is a good example of respect to all forms of life. A dead shark was washed ashore on the beach when a lady notices something strange. The dead shark was pregnant since there was some movement in the stomach region of the dead shark. She takes help of a beach goer who volunteers to help. He cuts open the shark and delivers the 3 baby sharks inside it. The baby sharks are alive and moving, so they put it back into the water."

After the man delivers shark pups, South Africa, the pups are expected to survive well on their own since sharks are born naturally born with full sets of teeth and typically swim away from their mothers after birth.

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