March 5, 2025 14:46 PM

North Korea's Jong-Un Executes Ex-Girlfriend Alleged Hoax, Ex-Girlfriend Shows Up Alive On National Television

North Korea's Jong-Un executes ex-girlfriend was widely publicized during the first half of the year. However, the said report has been proven to be a hoax. In fact, Jong-Un's ex-girlfriend, Song-Wol, appeared to be alive and well when she was spotted on national television.

Kim Jong-Un has long been feared in North Korea. According to a body guard of the former dictator, Kim Jong-Il, Jong-Un is severely dangerous compared to Jong-Il. Thus, it was no surprise that reports of the North Korea's Jong-Un executes ex-girlfriend became a viral hit that sparked belief in who ever read about it.

The initial reports of North Korea's Jong-Un executes ex-girlfriend came out in October of 2013. Song-Wol was reported to have been killed via a firing squad. The singer was said to have been charged with pornography leading to the execution.

Yet, days after the said reports, Song-Wol appeared on national television by May of 2014 to deliver a speech. Next came the reports that Jong-Un ordered the destruction of the Pyongyang tower block. Putting aside the hoax reports on North Korea's Jong-Un executes ex-girlfriend, Song-Wol is said to have married an officer of the army.

Obviously, the reports on North Korea's Jong-Un executes ex-girlfriend is simply another trick to instil fear throughout residents of the country. Fear has become the North Korean leaders' method to earn respect and loyalty.

"Kim Jong Un has created loyalty, but it is fake and based on fear," says Jong-Un's former bodyguard, Lee in a report by CNN.

While some have slammed such report on North Korea's Jong-Un executes ex-girlfriend as purely fictitious, other reports claim that Jong-Un did call for an execution but this did not include Song-Wol. This among many other bizarre reports are just a few that have gone viral on various social media sites. With North Korea's intense secrecy, whatever news that hits the web about the country is easily believed.

Kim jong un, North korea
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