February 23, 2025 02:00 AM

Officer Protester Hug: White Officer Hugs Crying 12-year-old During Ferguson Protest, Photo Goes Viral

Officer Protester Hug - After a grand jury's decision not to indict white fficer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, riots and protests in Ferguson, Missouri have been a common sight. But amidst all the flurry of anger and resentment, an image of an officer protester hug from one of these protests has gone viral, shedding a beam of light amongst the darkness.

The officer protester hug photo Tuesday began when a crying African-American boy holding a sign that said "Free Hugs" stood in front of a police barricade at a Ferguson rally in Portland.

A white police officer saw the boy and motioned for him to come closer. He asked the boy for a hug, and as the two hugged each other, the boy's tears kept streaming down his face, filled with emotions.

The officer protester hug photo was taken by freelance photographer Johnny Huu Nguyen and in it shows Portland Police Seargeant Bret Barnum and 12-year-old Devonte Hart.

The scene leading up to the officer protester hug happened with a conversation between Barnum and Hart. Barnum first asked Hart about school and life and at the end of their chat asked "Do I get one of those?" as he pointed to the boy's "Free Hugs" sign.

The officer protester photo quickly spread and became popular on social media. It definitely is an unusual sight as people across the U.S. are at rift with the and jury's decision not indict a white police officer after shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri early this year.

The officer protester snapshot was posted on Instagram, and has since been praised by social media users for promoting peace at a time when tensions are on the rise. "Thank you for publishing the stunning photo that both breaks the heart and lifts up the soul," said lapresas, an Instagram user. Another user named tammyliaa wrote and described being moved to tears. "My heart broke and mended at the same time with this photo. Beautiful," tammyliaa said.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Hart, the boy's white mother, wrote on Facebook about how her son has been dealing with the Ferguson incident. Apparently, the boy has been dealing with issues of police brutality and racism since the Ferguson killing.

Devonte, the young boy in the officer protester hug snapshot, is one of six children adopted by Hart and her wife, Sarah Hart of West Linn, a suburb of Portland, according to the Associated Press.

The day following the grand jury's decision on Officer Darren Wilson, the Hart family went downtown intending to spread love and kindness." They held signs such as "You Matter" and "Free Hugs," according to Jennifer Hart said. Afterwards, the Hart family joined the nearby Ferguson rally.

Before the officer protester hug photo time became viral, Officer Barnum, who is working for the traffic division, was dispatched to a downtown intersection. He was to help with traffic and crowd control in the protest-filled streets. In the middle of the block, hundreds of protesters reportedly listened to speeches about the relationship between police and black residents.

A couple of days after Barnum was assigned to the intersection, Devonte Hart, the young boy, stood on the outskirts of the Portland rally. He was reportedly about 10 feet away from Barnum, trembling, before the conversation that bred the officer protester hug photo. The boy was crying at the time, his mom said.

"Devonte was struggling. He wouldn't speak. He was inconsolable," Jennifer wrote on her Facebook account. "My son has a heart of gold, compassion beyond anything I've ever experienced, yet struggles with living fearlessly when it comes to the police... He wonders if someday when he no longer wears a 'Free Hugs' sign around his neck, when he's a full-grown black male, if his life will be in danger for simply being."

Barnum later told The AP that he talked to Devonte because when he saw the boy, he wondered what was wrong. He then motioned for the 12-year-old kid to come up to his motorcycle and their conversation ensued.

The officer then asked for Devont's name, shook his hand and asked him what school he goes to (he is homeschooled), what he did during the summer (he traveled around the U.S. with his family), and what he likes to do (art). The tears stopped after their conversation that led to the officer protester hug photo.

Hart's mother said the interaction was at first a little uncomfortable for her son. Barnum made the generic chit-chat then later asked why the boy was crying.

Barnum has two teenage sons and they have worked for Portland's police force for 21 years already. While talking to the boy, he pointed at the "Free Hugs" sign on the ground and asked Devonte if he can get a hug as well.

The moment photographer Johnny Huu Nguyen took the officer protester hug photo was the moment that Devonte put his arms around the officer after Barnum asked a hug from the boy.

"Knowing how he struggled with police, his bravery and courage to catch my eye and approach me were impressive," said Barnum. "And it's a blessing for me that I didn't miss an opportunity to impact this child."

According to the boy's mother, Jennifer, the moment in the officer protester hug viral snapshot was more about "listening to each other, facing fears with an open heart."

Nguyen said he hoped that the photo will help to spread the message of compassion, reports SBS. The freelance photographer took to his Instagram account to express his gratitude with the public's appreciation of the officer protester hug image, according to MSNBC.

"You guys are playing a great role in spreading the message of hope and humanity as seen here in the photo of Sgt. Barnum and Devonte Hart," Nguyen said. "I think my picture helps people understand the real answer is love and compassion," he said.

The tearful officer protester hug photo is "one of the most emotionally charged experiences I've had as a mother," according to Jennifer. For many Americans as well, indeed it is.

Ferguson, Michael brown
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