March 29, 2025 13:57 PM

Malaysia Airlines Tweet: 'Insensitive' Marketing Tweet Receives Backlash, Is Apology Enough?

Malaysia Airlines Tweet - A Thursday tweet by Malaysia Airlines has been tagged as insensitive by the public, and now it is receiving much backlash even after an apology on Friday. The Malaysia Airlines tweet was reportedly a marketing tweet which unintentionally rubbed many people the wrong way since air officials are still search for one of the airline's jets that went missing since March.

The slammed Malaysia Airlines tweet wasn't only regarded as insensitive because of the plane with 239 passengers that had gone missing. Apart from that, another deadly disaster occurred involving the airline in which their jet was shot down over Ukraine in July, killing all 298 people on board.

"Want to go somewhere, but don't know where? Our Year-End Specials might just help!" the Malaysia Airlines tweet said on Thursday.

After the criticism that the Malaysia Airlines tweet received since its posting, it had been removed by the company Friday. According to them, they were aiming at inspiring travelers through the social media stunt. Apparently, the Malaysia Airlines tweet "unintentionally caused offence to some."

The Malaysia Airlines tweet isn't the first faux pas for the company since the two disasters within the year, according to Reuters.

In September, the company also received much flak after a competition for New Zealand and Australian travellers titled, "My Ultimate Bucket List". The term is used by some English-speakers in order to describe a list of adventures they want to accomplish before their death.

The reason for the unintended Malaysia Airlines tweet controversy may be because of the airline's widened loss last quarter. With the company's last public financial result before a planned privatization and overhaul having a net loss in the July-September quarter as rising 53 percent from a year earlier to 576.1 million ringgit ($170.3 million), they attempted to attract flyers through the perhaps misunderstood Malaysia Airlines tweet.

According to the Associated Press, the airline will be delisted and taken completely under the wing of the government by the year's end, and under a massive $1.8 billion overhaul by majority shareholder, state investment arm Khazanah Nasional.

Malaysia Airlines would reportedly be eliminating 6,000 workers, which accounts for 30 percent of its current workforce of 20,000.

Khazanah is aiming to restore Malaysia Airlines to profitability by the end of 2017. It will later be relisting its shares on the stock exchange by the end of 2019.

The Malaysia Airlines tweet aims to continue to focus on aggressive marketing and promotions as the airline's overhaul gathers pace, according to the AAP. But so far, that hasn't gone well enough.

Malaysia airlines, Flight MH370
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