March 6, 2025 07:53 AM

Polio Aid Workers Carrying Vaccine Killed in Pakistan While Cases of The Disease Continues To Increase [VIDEO]

Aid workers carrying polio vaccines were killed in Pakistan on Wednesday's attack.

Latest news in the country says members of the team who were trying to deliver loads of vaccines were fatally shot in a recent encounter. Four people wherein three of them are women reportedly died from the attack while three more individuals sustained injuries. According to the earlier reports, the gunmen who were riding in motorcycles open fire at the victims' vehicle near the area of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan Province.

Authorities still hasn't confirmed the identity of the gunmen responsible for the tragic incident; however, the Taliban group previously confirmed on Monday that they initiated an attack near Peshawar against another polio aid worker. The attackers who killed four victims in Pakistan were actually able to escape the scene.

The latest killings are actually related to the ongoing dissemination of the said vaccine which aims to protect children from the crippling disease. The virus responsible for the disease actually targets the musculoskeletal system of the human body causing muscle weakness and paralysis of extremities. Although many countries have already accepted the introduction of polio vaccines, some people in Pakistan do not favor its dissemination and therefore tries to turn against it by killing numerous aid workers.

In the recent update regarding the disease, it was noted that the total number of cases has already reached 260 just this week. The mortality even increased due to the ongoing violence and chaos in the country. With more polio aid workers being killed lately, the situation is becoming more chaotic and difficult.

There are actually numerous people in Pakistan that are opposed to the administration of polio vaccine to children because they believe that it is dangerous to health and is against Islam. With that, aid workers facilitating the distribution of the vaccine are being killed by unknown group of men.

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