March 6, 2025 14:16 PM

FSU Shooting Injures Three, Kills One; Student Shares, ‘I Almost Got Killed’

FSU shooting caused the entire Florida State University to panic early Thursday. A rampaging gunman shot three people before being gunned down by a hail of bullets from the local police.

Over 300 students ran for their lives, scrambling for exits or for any huge solid object so they could duck for cover as soon as the first shot was fired at the Strozier Library. The local police was quick to respond to the 911 calls.

According to Dave Northway, the spokesperson for the Tallahassee police, their officers confronted the shooter and told him to drop his weapon on the floor. However, the gunman did not heed their instructions and merely fired at them, compelling the police to fire back with their guns.

Campus police has now turned the FSU shooting investigation over to the Tallahassee police department.

According to the Associated Press, the name of the gunman was Myron M ay. He graduated from Florida State University before going to Texas Tech University to pursue law school. It was a law enforcement official who allegedly gave out the name in exchange for anonymity since they were not allowed to do so.

One of those who were unfortunately shot during the recent FSU shooting was hospitalized and is in critical condition. Another was treated and is now in good condition. The third person was only grazed by the bullet and was released after treating the wound at the scene.

The families of the victims have been notified, but their names have not been provided to the press.

One of the students managed to take photographs of a bullet and a book and posted it on Facebook. It would seem that the book has a bullet hole right through it. Jason Derfuss shared that he was quite near the shooter when he started shooting. He never felt the shot and only discovered the damage three hours later.

"He was about five feet from me but he hit my books," shared Derfuss. "I assumed I wasn't a target. I assumed I was fine. The truth is I was almost killed tonight and God intervened."

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