March 6, 2025 15:48 PM

New Normal Barbie By Nickolay Lamm Is Humanly Imperfect: ‘Real Life Is Awesome’ Creator Says

The new Barbie by Nickolay Lamm boasts a number of average human imperfections, it looks nothing close to the typical "perfect" skinny doll every girl and girl-at-heart have always wanted to become.

Now that everyone thinks of it, Barbie dolls have always been very unrealistic in terms of beauty and proportions, which may have led to a couple of self-esteem issues among maturing girls worldwide.

Because of these issues, artist-researcher and graphic designer-turned-to-maker Nickolay Lamm has come up with "Lammily" dolls or the new breed of Barbie dolls that are aimed to looking something "normal" of an average American woman, reports Huffington Post.

So what are the noticeable differences between the new Barbie by Nickolay Lamm and the original one?

Well, for starters, Lamm's doll features typical woman problems like acne, cellulite and even stretch marks.

The imperfections will only be available via add-on packs.

Furthermore, the proportions of Lamm's Barbie doll is based on the average he got from measuring several 19-year-old women.

Nickolay admits that he was very frustrated with how unrealistic the proportions of the Barbie doll are, such that he made a goal of making a fun, more natural-looking and hopefully more appealing doll to girls all over the world.

Also, the new Barbie by Nickolay Lamm has a variety of options for casual and sporty wardrobe.

The "Lammily" dolls are now available for purchase, with pre-orders packing some stickers of removable "marks" like stretch marks, cellulite, grass stains and artistic tattoos.

"I feel that, right now, dolls are very 'perfect' looking, when, in real life, few of us have perfect skin," Lamm said. "So, why not give dolls a 'real treatment?' Things like acne, stretch marks, and cellulite are a natural part of who we are."

Nickolay Lamm thinks that by exposing young girls to this kind of Barbie dolls will give them the idea that having "flaws" like stretch mars, scars, cellulite, moles, freckles and acnes is not really a bad thing.

"I wanted to show that reality is cool," Nickolay quipped. "And a lot of toys make kids go into fantasy, but why don't they show real life is cool? It's not perfect, but it's really all we have. And that's awesome."

The new Barbie by Nickolay Lamm only started out as a project in July 2013, and now just this Wednesday it has now become available for purchase, reports TIME.

"Parents and their kids were emailing and asking where they could buy the 'Normal Barbie' - but they didn't exist," Lamm said. "To be honest, I knew it was either going to bomb or blow up, there was no in between."

Lammily dolls are available for $24.99 each and as of late 19,000 units are available. Lamm said that 25,000 more are ready to be shipped for the holidays.

The sticker extension pack is valued at $5.99 and it will only be available for purchase in January.

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