March 6, 2025 21:15 PM

John Kerry Slams Attack in Israel Synagogue; US Secretary of State Calls For Palestine Leaders’ Attention [VIDEO]

John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State denounces the recent attack in Israel on Tuesday.

According to a recent report, four people were killed when Palestinians reportedly attacked a number of worshippers in Jerusalem. The authorities said that there were two attackers who arrived in the area and started their horrible acts. Around 7 AM, the men reportedly entered a synagogue located in the eastern part of Jerusalem, in a Har Nof neighborhood and began attacking the worshippers who were having their early morning prayer.

The attackers brought with them knives, axes and guns, which they used against the worshippers in the said holy place. Four people were killed from the recent horrible act while the suspects were later on killed by the police during a shootout. The incident which happened in one of Israel's holy place was angrily condemned by John Kerry.

The U.S. Secretary of State called the horrific incident as an "act of pure terror and senseless brutality" which happened in the midst of a growing tension between the said country and of Palestine. It is believed that innocent people who originally came in the synagogue to worship were killed from the attack. With that, Secretary John Kerry has called on the attention of the Palestinian leaders saying that they should take the serious and immediate steps to stop any incitement that could even more increase the ongoing tension between two territories.

With innocent people killed from the attack, Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu, reportedly vowed to respond with the attack, harshly. Netanyahu is said to believe that the incident is a result of Palestine President Abba's incitement. Aside from John Kerry and the Israel leaders, Sweden officials, who recently recognized Palestine as state, also condemned the attack and calls for an end in violence while other terror groups in Palestine allegedly claims that the attack is a result of the death of a Palestinian bus driver.

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