March 1, 2025 10:07 AM

Anderson Cooper Christmas Party Cancelled Due To Basil-Scented Candle Prank [VIDEO]; Talk Show Host Reveals Why He Keeps Scented Candles Burning On His Desk

Anderson Cooper Christmas party was cancelled after his staff pulled a prank on him on Monday. They hijacked one of his segments, entitled RidicuList, to complain about his basil-scented candle.

To the chagrin of some candle truthers, the famous talk show host insisted that he was not aware of the candle hate. Some clips were aired, showing the off-camera shots and footage of him backstage in the newsroom, wondering why his staff hated basil-scented candles. He ended up cancelling the Anderson Cooper Christmas party, which he has initially planned to host for his staff.

"I love that no one can say to me, 'You know what? We don't like the candle!" Cooper shared with a pretty flabbergasted expression on his face. "No. this was not the best way to let me know!"

When the segment was about to start, Cooper introduced a video footage about what the segment was going to be about. He had absolutely no idea that the topic would turn out to be the scented candle that he regularly keeps burning on his desk.

"Oh. Really? This is what 'The RidicuList' is about tonight?" he said. "I should have read it ahead of time." Although his shock was clear, he did take the time to explain the purpose of the hated candle. He added, "Somebody told me that I smelled, or my jeans smell because I don't wash them. So, that's why I got the candle, people."

The infamous prank also had another victim in the form of Mario Batali. His orange Crocs were constantly compared to the scent of the candle.

During one of the tapings for "The Chew," Batali decided to get back at his pranksters, sending one of his shoes to Cooper. He then claimed that his feet actually smelled pretty lovely, probably even much better than the notorious Anderson Cooper basil-scented candle.

Anderson Cooper Christmas party, however, had other plans. "I will burn that Croc in the middle of the newsroom, and you people will rue the day you ever spoke ill of my candle," Anderson revealed. "That will be the sweet smell of revenge."

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