October 24, 2024 01:24 AM

Alex From Target Fired? Teen Sensation Sacked Due To Immense Popularity? Fact Or Fiction?

Alex from Target fired? Ask any teenage girl and they'll immediately fill you in on the details about Alex from Target. The employee from Target had gained Internet sensation thanks to being good-looking in a photo uploaded on Twitter. However, the fame might have caused a pitfall in Alex's' career as reports claim he has been fired from Target.

Has "Alex from Target fired" a real story to believe? According to Huzlers, Alex from Target had been fired simply because he was gaining too much popularity. The Web site reportedly interviewed one of Alex's' superiors and he explained the reason for Alex from Target fired.

"Alex is a good kid and all but this is ridiculous, I mean, can we really trust teenage girls? they brought fame to Justin Bieber for Christ's sake. We do not need negative attention and thousands of teenage girls coming to my store and creating havoc over Alex. Besides, Alex isn't even all good looking, It was the angle in which the photo was taken," stated the supervisor.

Yet, it turns out that the story on Alex from Target fired is simply a marketing ploy by Breakr. Alex still works at Target much to the excitement of his female fans around the world.

"We wanted to see how powerful the fangirl demographic was by taking a unknown good-looking kid and Target employee from Texas to overnight viral internet sensation," states CEO of Breakr, Dil Domine Jacobe Leonares in a report by Inquistr.

Alex from Target fired is a hoax and for one Target is pleased with the Internet sensation their brand and employee, Alex, is experiencing.

"Imagine our surprise yesterday when one of our Target team members managed to flood the Internet with images of red and khaki without even trying. We are proud to have a great team, including #AlexFromTarget," states Molly Snyder in a report by Huffington Post.

Alex from Target fired is simply a ridiculous story. The teenager still works for Target even with the online sensation over him.

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