March 27, 2025 08:28 AM

Global Warming Hoax: John Coleman Denies Existence Of Climate Change, Global Warming Photos Taken Out Of Context?

Global warming hoax - Retired meteorologist, John Coleman believes that climate change does not exist and that global warming is a hoax. In addition, a number of global warming photos are allegedly taken out of context.

The founder of The Weather Channel, Coleman, appeared on FOX News Monday to flatly deny the existence of climate change. This is not the first time Coleman had cried global warming hoax given early in 2009 he had ridiculed former vice president on the same issue.

"Well, there are 9,000 Ph.D.s and 31 scientists who have signed a petition that says [carbon dioxide] is not a significant greenhouse gas. Oh it's a teeny, itsy-bitsy greenhouse gas, but it's not in any way significant," stated Coleman as published on the Atlantic, adding, "And we are sure of it. It's not like something I just made up or just thought of. I've studied and studied and studied."

Following Coleman's claim that global warming hoax, the Weather Channel released their own statement believing otherwise. This of course has led to a debate between skeptics and realists on global warming hoax.

As for skeptics on global warming hoax, a number of photos reportedly proving the existence of climate change have been taken out of context. First would be the photo of walruses in the Northern Pacific that had gone viral on Facebook.

Regardless of the sea ice levels, numerous walrus heading to the shores of Northwest Alaska have been noted in the years. Such incidents were recorded in the years 1972 and 1978. Obviously, this proves skeptics claim that global warming hoax.

Other photos on global warming hoax completely taken out of context include the polar bears on ice caps, ice shelf caving in the Antarctic, Arctic glacier melting and the drought in California. All these had been debunked by News Max.

Global warming, Climate change
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