March 31, 2025 19:07 PM

ISIS Latest News Update: Kurdish Fighters From Iraq Travels To Kobani [VIDEO+REPORT]

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) update states that one of its controlled cities will receive more forces from the peshmerga fighters.

Syria's border town of Kobani has been trying to escape the militant group that attempts to take control of the city. United States lead forces have bombed the city with a goal to terminate the operation of the extremists in it. Although several airstrikes have reportedly pushed the militants away from the town, the war still continues.

In an attempt to help the town of Kobani, Kurdish fighters from Iraq will join the existing military forces in the ISIS-controlled territory. According to the latest update, Peshmerga spokesman, Halgurd Hekmat, said that although the decision to deploy the fighters was previously debatable, the newest additional force will go both in land and air to fight the extremists.

"But the peshmerga will go in two ways. Both land both from the air," Hekmat said.

The ISIS militants launched its offensive force in Kobani in mid-September and since then more than 800 people have been killed in the battle. The war also resulted in the displacement of more than 200,000 people, who left their homes to save their lives. The people reportedly sought safety across the border in Turkey; however, a recent update claims that the ongoing war is almost over.

According to the update, the video shows a man saying that the battle in Kobani between the Kurdish and ISIS fighters is almost at its end. The man was identified as John Cantlie, a British journalist who was captured by the rebels in 2012.

"Contrary to what the Western media would have you believe, it is not an all-out battle here now... It is nearly over. As you can hear, it is very quiet, just the occasional gunfire," the man says in the video.

With the video released, the government is currently analyzing its content.

ISIS Update
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